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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 65.9° And yeah, very comfy with the window fan.
  2. I would think maybe 30-40ft would be sufficient? Red maples are nice, but there's just something about a large fiery sugar maple out front that I find stunning.
  3. 0.23” so far. Kinda meh, but maybe we can add a little more. 69.5° -RA
  4. Hope so…worried the brunt stays just west of me.
  5. Awesome...congrats. Just a T here so far.
  6. ASH runs high anyway. FIT looks spot on.
  7. Dew is creeping up here. Up to 82/64.
  8. 8k is pretty high when you’re spiking straight up from sea level. Breckenridge is pretty much surrounded by 12k. It’s tough to hit 90° at 1.5k out here, but then you get east of the Black Hills and Pierre occasionally hits 120°.
  9. That was the Payne Stewart flight
  10. Pretty much peak blueness potential right now…solstice at solar noon. The less atmosphere for the light to travel through the less blue that is scattered away. Up to 80.4°
  11. Min 49.2° Definitely a regime shift incoming
  12. 76° today with nary a cloud and low dews…and yet I’m still hot. 85/65 will feel like Hot Saturday right about now
  13. I want that 7" of rain the goofus is giving me.
  14. The trough went through mid morning for much of the region on 7/22 so we got a big dew drop to let the heat soar. 7/21 and that following night was oppressive though. IZG had 101° on 7/22.
  15. It also looks like the daytime error really increases during the peak of the warm season. Radiation issues?
  16. https://weather.gladstonefamily.net/site/KMHT?days=1000#Data Some really torchy daytime temps there in recent weeks...esp May.
  17. Definite step jump for PVD starting around the turn of the year.
  18. I grow bocking 4 comfrey and this is the first year I've seen powdery mildew on some of those leaves. Usually I grow cukes and they seem to always get hit hard, but the comfrey is usually unscathed.
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