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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Must be some decent evap cooling again. 44° here.
  2. Biden is moving them to Accuweather so there can be a smooth, seamless transition.
  3. 21.5° here, but car thermo had 19°. CON 17°, BML 13°, Maple Hollow 9°.
  4. It was a faker this morning. MWN warmer than MHT.
  5. Thankfully we’re getting the coldest of the winter out of the way now.
  6. Except for the Palm Eek had growing on Winni. He let it die a couple of years ago, because it was getting too big to winterize.
  7. My brown leaves are still hanging on as well. A lot of nut trees seem to have brown leaves hold on for weeks and months like oak and beech. I’m not sure what the normal tendency for american chestnuts is although I seem to recall them doing this in previous years.
  8. Caffeine really dehydrates me lately and it triggers a lot of spasms and muscle cramping if I go over my limit. I pivoted from coffee and dark chocolate to kombucha a few weeks ago, but apparently there’s enough caffeine in the tea to affect me. All of these issues typically go away for me after a couple of weeks after I cut the caff out. I should just quit and never have it again, but the cravings always creep back in.
  9. 45/19 Lots to do this weekend. Was going well for an hour and then triggered bad back spasms so I'm out of commission. Anyway, ground is still moist here. The dry weather is great.
  10. CON gusted to 45mph in the past hour. It’s ripping out there.
  11. 36° but it feels like below zero to me right now.
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