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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. They’re 1ft tall grafted twigs. They wouldn’t even support you.
  2. I was supposed to go up to MPV today to pick up a few more pawpaw trees. I think I’ll pass.
  3. Honestly we should’ve had it in this past weekend. I’ll have it in before the next hot stretch.
  4. 3.08” on the Davis at the top of Superstar…3700-3800’ up I presume?
  5. I use one in the basement, but that’s it. The dews have been consistently high, but nothing too oppressive to me…mostly 65-70.
  6. The Keene area is getting lit up this afternoon too and that’s in a radar hole. Plenty of anvil blow off up here from those cells.
  7. Relatively cool, humid start with an occasional spit of drizzle. 73/69
  8. 160 soundings at CAR since 2000 have had pwats >= to that. So not that rare. 2.00”+ is more rare…9 since 2000. 2.17” is the record.
  9. How many ASOS's are at 1000ft out here? Home sensors run high. And I just posted a map...IJD 66, FIT 64, EEN 62. But of course ORH must be 70.
  10. 87.5/69 Dews have been mixing out a little bit. Mostly m/u 60s away from the coast.
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