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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. d11 fantasy land, but at least it’s looking active with enough cold to work with
  2. That’s a nice high on the 10th. No pack is getting wiped with that.
  3. Confluence lifted NE a bit so a little bump north.
  4. Northern stream doing some work there.
  5. Well we’re not getting any flakes here…precip is moving out and it’s 37°. Hopefully we can get a little late day sun and dry it out a bit before we freeze up.
  6. Green grass forcefield in effect this morning.
  7. The gorilla is a white gorilla for the interior this run.
  8. That northern stream s/w Friday night has been trending stronger and it becomes a pretty strong 50/50 low. It even retrogrades a bit this run. I’d love to weaken that or kick it out faster to lessen the confluence.
  9. I wonder if we can coat up down here in the afternoon as well. It should at least flip to some wet snow. It looks like Gene is close hovering around 34.5°.
  10. Cold one this morning. 36.7°
  11. the consistency of which that is being modeled at that time range has sorta fascinated me today. Most of the gefs/eps members have it too. It reminds me of when mar 93 was being modeled 5-7 days out.
  12. That isn’t right. Dec 89 had 6” in BOS.
  13. 41° and just had a heavy shower roll through. Seasons in seasons.
  14. I looked back at the historical monthlies of CON, BOS, ORH, and BDL and couldn’t find an instance of it happening. There is a nonzero chance of it though considering all of the sites have had Novembers with monthly means that were colder than some of the warmest December means…just not in the same season. Warm bias or not, ORH is threatening it this year, but will likely fall short. They are 38.5° after 29 days and November finished at 38.8°.
  15. Just had some thin spots in the ovc and some blue sky to the east, but it’s back to thick ovc again. The days and days of low 40s continue.
  16. Well we’re not getting much snow, but I wouldn’t call this the 80s either. My ground would maybe be brown, but it would be frozen 2 feet deep.
  17. It hasn’t been below freezing here since Xmas eve and not below 35° since Xmas day. That’s insane for mby. The ground is completely thawed…not even a hint of ice below the surface. The chickens have been eating worms out of the ground every afternoon when I let them out. Normally with a torch or cutter there’s at least a subsurface frozen layer that remains from previous colder nights. But it is legit April mud season right now. It’s surreal when looking at the calendar.
  18. Pretty good ens agreement on that d12 MW/GL cutter. Aside from that, at least 850s will approach seasonal levels so there will be some chances to snow over the interior even if they’re messy events.
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