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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. CON normals for 9/1 are 79/54. By mid month it is 74/49. So it won't take much to rack up double digit positive departures...especially at the rad pits.
  2. That was a crazy end to the month heat wise. It’s hard to believe it ended up 3rd warmest after being -11F 3 days in and -4.6F through 9/11.
  3. Had a couple mins of almost constant flash-boom CGs near the Pembroke line
  4. This is #3 for CON. Looks doable to me. 5 of the top 9 warmest Septembers have been since 2011.
  5. There's not a lot of cold air in the extended. Climatologically I should be seeing a lot of 40s over the next 1-2 weeks and 30s by mid month. I'm just getting some July vibes with much AN mins and some torchy max temps sprinkled in.
  6. Yeah...you know what CNN is insinuating with their headlines. This is just a statistical anomaly plus geometry challenged region.
  7. I could see it. I was looking at the top Seps in CON and how the monthlies looked and it looks easily doable. Most of the top ones have been in the last 5-10 years too.
  8. I think there’s a higher than normal chance for that…sure. Especially with torchy mins.
  9. Let me guess. Neverending summer for another 2 months with no breaks. Got it.
  10. Looks pretty warm overall in the extended, but there will be mild downs. We’ll sneak some late fronts in around that ridge centered way to our SW.
  11. Have only needed AC a few days and they were all July. I don't quite understand the problem some have with sheets sticking to the body, but that should get checked.
  12. OFA winter forecast is out. lol https://www.almanac.com/winter-extended-forecast-farmers-almanac
  13. Yup. It seems to struggle with that BL moisture pooling in the corn belt. It’s like it has dust bowl physics built in to the geography and all moisture just evaporates to the moon.
  14. Yeah I'm not buying 115/37 at 45N in Minny on 9/3 with 32C 850s
  15. And it was spitting out 30C+ at H85 there. It's been 3-5C too high with the plume where it's mixing up to H5. I'll stick with the euro numbers that are plenty warm enough.
  16. Congrats Cedar Key. They’re due for a biggie.
  17. Yeah I get it...there will be more blue come verification since it's getting washed out in the means, but it's still a sign of the times that heights are biased warmer across the entire NHEM
  18. Only 1 80+ here and no 90s yet. The 80s this year were Apr 2, May 2, Jun 5, Jul 19, Aug 1 19.36" so far for JJA
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