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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Bad karma. Should’ve offered them tap water.
  2. Turned the ac off before bed. Hate that thing. I rarely sweat even in 90/75.
  3. That’s borderline stove weather for me. I’m turning into a reptile.
  4. Colder out than in. Lol Still overcast and 67° here at 9am.
  5. Low 64.9° Windows wide open again. It’s nice to really cool the house off again. Still overcast and wet after a brief storm last night. Only had 0.06”.
  6. Those are bark grafts. You slip the bark when the sap gets flowing, cut a wedge into your scion, and then slide it in and make sure you have good cambium contact. Usually they graft 2 or 3 pieces on and keep the most vigorous one, but maybe they’re going for something different there? All of the apple and pear grafts I’ve done are whip and tongue on single rootstocks. There’s lots of different ways to graft, but in most cases you want the sap flowing in your rootstock and then you graft a dormant scion onto that. That way the rootstock is ready to go and pushes the growth through the scion wood. I field grafted a few pawpaws this year, but they’re a little finicky. They prefer consistent temps around 80° to graft and callous off whereas apples are early spring. Middle pic is actually a cleft graft since it was a little too low to get a good whip and tongue on there.
  7. I did these last spring. Antonovka rootstock.
  8. There’s some fun EPS ENE landfalls in there, but I think I’ll take #25
  9. Our July pattern a week into September is a tropical pattern.
  10. @OceanStWx needs to fit that into an AFD with freshet
  11. Of course if he wants to pull out the 61-90 normals again we could turn it into a +3F summer. But it is what it is.
  12. I’ll probably end up using my AC more in September than JJA combined. I can count on 1 hand the days I used it in met summer. Even July was biased toward warm mins. It wasn’t a hot summer up here. Sorry.
  13. A lot cooler this morning than yesterday. 66.9° vs 67.8°
  14. He’s doing everything he can to get out of the FL vacay with the fam
  15. Over a week away. What could go wrong?
  16. Are you the Frankie McD of the NYPD?
  17. Ens did have a front coming through this weekend bringing us back to COC for a few days, but the ridging has trended westward. Looks like we'll have to wait post-Lee for any decent cooler air.
  18. I always enjoy a good cane x-section.
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