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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Thanks Gene. To you as well. I’ll PM you this weekend. Hopefully you snow Thursday.
  2. BL is marginal even here on the 00z NAM. I could see one of those 34-35F deals during the day where it snows during better lift and then just white rains at other points.
  3. 12/5 has been as overrated as Jerry’s squirrels since the winters on WWBB.
  4. Too much reading into shitty products. Gotta use forecast soundings. But the coarseness of some of those map grids looks larger than legos.
  5. Ah yes. The first d15 euro run of vodka cold of the season.
  6. Comp it’s on is screwed. Takes like 10 hours to load and windows remains black. The only savior is I have my stations and cams automatically run on startup. It’s running scan disk now and it’s on hour 22 with many to go. It’s an old POS. Time for a new one. Maybe during the holiday weekend I’ll figure something out unless scan disk works…if it finished by then.
  7. Although if we have to stay in and watch the Cowboys get spanked, so be it.
  8. Would be better for the after dinner backyard football game.
  9. Threat is on life support. 00z Euro op is on an island.
  10. Euro would be a mess here Thanksgiving evening. Snow to garbage to rain.
  11. We didn’t start the fire. Blame it on the rain. It’s a sign.
  12. This is how I picture ineedsnow when viewing each new set of model runs.
  13. Lots of sun this morning. Almost clear on the ride in.
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