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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. MEX for BDL is 39°. A freeze will be tough. They’re already late and it’ll probably go until near Halloween.
  2. From 1935-1993 all of BDL’s first 41° or lower mins occurred in Aug or Sep. Now they go into Mid Oct no problem.
  3. Latest < 42° on record there was 10/13/2018. Shattered that.
  4. That Northfield, VT record early freeze date looks bogus. There’s no way they pulled 32° on 8/21/2014.
  5. idk...looks like the normal vis sat to me. Pretty cool how you can see the weak isolated convection (cumulus) dissipate the stratus field around them. Must be some weaker downdrafts around them that's clearing the thin low stratus out. It almost looks like that "hole punch" phenomenon but that requires ice crystals to rob the stratus of water vapor due to the vapor pressure differences.
  6. 52 days until the sunsets start getting later. It’s hard to believe winter’s over before it even started, but here we are.
  7. Yeah starting to get some consensus on the first region wide cold shot just before Halloween. The airmass post weekend storm was trending colder as well, but models have backed off a bit again. CON may flirt with 32° still, but I think mby is safe until that Halloween shot.
  8. Not sure. I have the same thing going on with one of my huge ones and I've never seen it previously.
  9. While visiting the wife in Uganda to chase snow in their highest peaks
  10. You can almost envision a few light frosts this winter and then we go right into Morch.
  11. Clear that search history before Alison sees it. lol
  12. Was this selfie right before your duet of Islands in the Stream?
  13. I don’t have fruit yet on my trees, but I have fruiting buds setting for the first time this year so hopefully I get some flowers and fruit next year. I fellow grower in IL has sent me some in the past so I’ve gotten to try a bunch of varieties. I don’t think I’d freeze them because I’ve seen many people get upset stomachs from eating saved, frozen pulp. I’d probably eat some fresh, sell some, make iced cream, and offer some to the local brewery and let them experiment with a pawpaw beer.
  14. Nice look of the annular solar eclipse on vis today.
  15. Like pawpaw? It’s a very tropical taste. Kinda like cherimoya, but many haven’t tasted that either. The selectively bred cultivars are generally sweet with varying intensity of pawpaw taste with a hint of other flavors with it. Some have a hint of banana, mango, melon, vanilla, coconut, or pineapple. When ripe, most have a custardy texture although there are a couple that are more firm like a marshmallow. The wild ones are full of seeds, less sweet, and tend to have a bad aftertaste. If anyone is near RI they may still have some available at Rocky Point Farm in Warwick Monday night, but check their FB first. Then tend to have a line and sell out in 10 minutes when they go on sale.
  16. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more triggered by a topic in here than wolfie with cc.
  17. My pawpaw grove is loving the climate change. The more we can keep pushing back that avg first freeze the more ripe fruit I’ll get.
  18. Beer? I don’t think anyone here is kept up at night worrying about the warming climate. But what’s the problem with discussing possible scenarios and outcomes? If you don’t like it skip over the posts.
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