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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Grow out a section of meadow for the beneficial insects. It’ll make the ticks happy too.
  2. My 8 2023 birds are all laying and some of the others have restarted. Eggs for days. But yeah, all of those chicken droppings go around the fruit trees for slow steady nitrogen all year.
  3. Ray had to go and make the thread already.
  4. Lousy growth here, but I didn’t expect the steady -SN either. It’s all coated up again much to my chagrin. Maybe a couple tenths?
  5. What do we need to do to eliminate that damn Labrador current? Dissolve Cape Cod into the Atlantic? Maybe Hatteras too?
  6. Well, they’ll keep verifying at H5 in April, but not at the surface. It’s almost time for that 3 month period from 3/15-6/15 of 45-60F every day.
  7. This is the way. Have you been up to CH this winter? It’s probably been meh up there the past couple of weeks with mostly old stale snow, but January wasn’t bad.
  8. I’m glad we were able to suppress the pattern to get people south of us involved. Now we can miss in all directions. But hey, at least it isn’t more rain.
  9. 21.9° with light snizzle. Way more than I expected.
  10. I slept 2hrs. Failed exhaust fan on the pellet stove ftl.
  11. +SHSN Looks like the meat of a deform band right now. Shouldn’t last long though.
  12. Dumping pretty good in a squall right now. 26.8° Will measure in a few
  13. The current 798hr CFS ends on the 1st day of spring.
  14. Pot kettle black. It was loosely CC. Sorry you didn’t like a few posts discussing summer heat events. I’ll remember this when you mention snow in any JJA thread.
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