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Posts posted by dendrite

  1. 15 minutes ago, H2Otown_WX said:

    FYI it's a "fake" reading. Just got to work a half hour ago and found out they're doing sensor maintenance so we're just pulling temp data from a wunderground station and dew point data from HFD lol.

    Wait what? You work at the airport? How did I not know this?

  2. 3 minutes ago, H2Otown_WX said:

    Quite impressive...what was your total for the season? I need to move north

    I’ve been a deadbeat over the last year with keeping track of my climo data. I have all of the amounts posted on here, but I have to add it up. The cocorahs guy east of me in town is around 70” I think. He gets a little weenieish so maybe 65”ish? Maybe this weekend I’ll get motivated to do it. 

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