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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. It’s sunny, but we’re struggling to mix out in the foothills. Low 40s right now.
  2. There’s marine taint for sure. We’ve been stuck in perineum stratus most of the morning.
  3. We’ve passed the denial stage and have moved on to the “F it we don’t care” stage. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/ceraweek-us-energy-secretary-says-global-warming-side-effect-modern-economy-2025-03-10/
  4. So I posted about the American chestnut seedlings in last year’s thread. I contacted someone who I had a feeling was the seed supplier (Bill Deeter) and he confirmed they are the real deal and they came from one of his stands. Here’s the link again if anyone is interested. https://www.treepro.com/products/pure-american-chestnut-seedling
  5. I’ve been a deadbeat over the last year with keeping track of my climo data. I have all of the amounts posted on here, but I have to add it up. The cocorahs guy east of me in town is around 70” I think. He gets a little weenieish so maybe 65”ish? Maybe this weekend I’ll get motivated to do it.
  6. Got up to 51°. Pack is down to 11”. 39.5° SKC now
  7. Some wild temp differences this morning…especially in SNE. Is FIT ok?
  8. You need to be careful about roadside depths this time of year. Between the salt drift and sand it’s easy to melt everything away along the main roads.
  9. A little too much cold and snow for my liking in the 2nd half, but at least it insulated the soil. The lack of liquid precip was a plus. I’ll go C, but it could’ve been higher if we had managed a few warm days in Jan and Feb. It’s been an easy March though…maybe I need to go C+/B-.
  10. Yeah we’ll see. It seems we reach a point every spring where the models want to keep digging extreme cold here in the extended, but they eventually realize the season we’re in and they all significantly moderate as we approach go-time. I’m not saying we’re there yet, but it’s in the back of my mind considering the pack reductions we’ll see right up into PQ.
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