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About dendrite

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Northfield, NH

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  1. Looks like it may be blowing back west a bit again…you can kinda see it on TBOS.
  2. Need to see the full ruler to make sure the first inch wasn’t cut off.
  3. Yup. Drove home through it. Definitely let up north of exit 18 around 330. Picking up here now with some below the beam lift.
  4. Hrm thought they moved. Was 2019 the last Winthrop year? Damn time flies by.
  5. Oh good. Take up those BOS totals then this year.
  6. 23.4° -SN Poor growth…maybe an occasional larger crystal mixed in. Just a coating.
  7. Where are they measuring now? Boston Light?
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