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About dendrite

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Northfield, NH

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  1. Over to rain at home per Lisa. 2.5”
  2. Kinda got sleety/zr’ish on the ride in approaching CON. Some snow pellets and pingers right now with meh lift.
  3. HRRR still has a few inches here but there’s a sharp cutoff…borderline sleety around CON/MHT for a bit. But yeah, 3k is like 1-2”.
  4. Pretty colors at H5. 2012 was torched well into QB. Both models have HP and cold lurking just over the border. But it’s d14 so whatev.
  5. Which probably traces back to the pack. Albedo and latent cooling limiting mixing.
  6. Did Will move all of his snow piles around the ORH ASOS?
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