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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. All add another and we;re ahead of 2011 PHL: 93 EWR: 97 NYC: 93 LGA: 96 JFK: 93 ISp: 92 TTN: 94 TEB: 93 ACY: 91
  2. TEB: 96 NYC: 93 EWR: 97 LGA: 98 JFK: 93 ISP: 93 TTN: 96 PHL: 98 ACY: 94
  3. Toay;s highs and additonal 90 degree days. We're ahead or will be moving ahead of 2011 days this week. TEB: 91 NYC: 88 EWR: 92 LGA: 91 JFK: 86 ISP: 86 TTN: 90 PHL: 92 ACY: 90
  4. All sites add one and we have our first heat wave this season. The park was close... EWR: 96 PHL: 95 TTN: 91 TEB: 94 LGA: 92 ACY: 94 NYC: 90 JFK: 94 ISP: 94
  5. Will add next update. ISP - 2
  6. The heat goes on PHL: 97 EWR: 99 TEB: 97 LGA: 98 TTN: 95 ACY: 96 JFK: 97 NYC: 94
  7. 6/20 today's highs. even the park gets to 90.... PHL: 97 EWR: 98 TTN: 95 LGA: 98 ACY: 95 TEB: 98 JFK: 95 NYC: 94
  8. outside chance for some tomorrow then i'd go between 6/5 - 6/10 but yes between 5/31 and 6/4 not likely probably not many 80s either.
  9. All but NYC and JFK reached 90 for the second straight day. The park at 89.5 again EWR: 92 PHL: 92 TTN: 91 LGA: 90 ACY: 90 TEB: 92 nyc: 89 jfk: 84
  10. PHL, EWR, LGA, ACY, TEB, TTN reach their first 90 of the season 89 at NYC
  11. First 90s possible tomorrow - wed.
  12. revving up for the summer. I believe we'll tack on some 90 (+) in May (maybe not in NYC). Call for summer EWR: 30 NYC: 20
  13. All sites fell short, the recent rains likely prohibited the 1 - 3 degrees needed. Next chance will fall between 25th and the 31st. EWR added another 89.
  14. There's been several 89 readings since the 9th. Perhaps tomorrow we may tally on a few more 90 readings.
  15. Updated EWR: 93 ACY: 93 JFK: 92 TTN: 92 PHL: 92 TEB: 91 LGA: 90 NYC: 90
  16. Today's highs ; EWR:94 PHL: 90 TTN: 90 LGA: 89 ACY: 93 TEB: 93 NYC: 89 JFK: 86
  17. Nearly pulled some sneaky 90's but fell short as clouds came in by and 3.. TTN and ACY add another 89. NYC 88
  18. All sites but LGA (89) added another. EWR: 93 TTN: 93 JFK: 92 ACY: 92 TEB: 91 NYC: 91 PHL: 91
  19. Must have been one of those days where we had a much wider range than usual. I made it up to 97. Looks like we'll tack on another today then less widespread 90s by Friday perhaps Saturday pending on clouds and storms before Sunday it looks like we'll all get there again.
  20. All sites except JFK added another in a scorching start to August TTN: 98 EWR: 98 TEB: 96 PHL: 96 ACY: 95 NYC: 94 LGA: 92
  21. 2010 totals through JUl 31 2010 PHL: 36 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 15; Jul: 19; Aug: ; Sep: ) EWR: 37 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 13; Jul: 21; Aug: ; Sep: ) TTN: 34 (April: 0; May: 3; June: 10; Jul: 21; Aug: ; Sep: ) LGA: 33 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 12; Jul: 18; Aug: ; Sep: ) ACY: 31 (April: 1; May: 1; June: 14; Jul: 14; Aug: ; Sep: ) TEB: 29 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 10; Jul: 16; Aug: ; Sep: ) NYC: 22 (April: 1; May: 1; June: 4; Jul: 16; Aug: ; Sep: ) JFK: 22 (April: 0; May: 1; June: 8; Jul: 12; Aug:; Sep: )
  22. Only JFK and LGA didnt get one they were stuck at 89. EWR: 95 TTN: 94 PHL: 93 TEB: 92 NYC: 91 ACY: 91
  23. All sites added another one EWR: 95 PHL: 94 TTN: 94 ACY: 94 JFK: 93 TEB: 93 LGA: 91 NYC: 91 LGA:
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