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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. Philly reached 90, other inland spots just short with clouds in the way Todays Highs- PHL: 91 PHL: 91 TEB: 89 TTN: 89 New Brnswck: 88 EWR: 86 NYC: 83 JFK: 82 ACY: 82 LGA: 81 ISP: 79
  2. Todays Highs- TEB: 94 LDJ: 91 EWR: 90 PHL: 89 New Brnswck: 89 TTN: 89 NYC: 88 LGA: 88 ACY: 87 ISP: 87 JFK: 84
  3. 90s across the board except JFK/ISp TEB: 96 LDJ: 96 PHL: 95 EWR: 95 BLM: 95 LGA: 93 New Brnswck: 93 TTN: 93 ACY: 92 JFK: 88 ISP: 87
  4. Some more 90s. All except JFK and ISP TEB: 94 PHL: 93 EWR: 93 LGA: 92 New Brunswick: 91 ACY: 91 TTN: 90 NYC: 90 JFK: 83 ISP: 85
  5. Todays highs and first 'heatwave' for places TEB: 93 New Brunswick: 92 TTN: 90 ACY: 92 PHL: 92 LGA: 89 NYC: 87 EWR: 88 JFK: 85 ISP: 86
  6. Today's highs PHL: 96 EWR: 96 TEB: 95 New Brunswick: 95 TTN: 93 NYC: 91 LGA: 91 ACY: 90 JFK: 85 ISP: 85
  7. Todays highs EWR: 95 TEB: 94 PHL: 93 New Brunswick: 92 TTN: 90 NYC: 89 ACY: 89 LGA: 88 JFK: 84 ISP: 85
  8. Yeah it does seem a bit warm on the borderline days. Maybe the average of TEB/Park is a good blend. :-)
  9. Updated as a few spots hit 90 in the last few days.
  10. Today's highs ACY: 95 PHL: 94 New Brunswick: 93 EWR: 92 TTN: 92 JFK: 91 TEB: 91 NYC: 89 ISP: 89 LGA: 88
  11. Today's highs all places west of SI hit 90 TEB: 94 NYC: 89 EWR: 91 LGA: 88 JFK: 82 ISP: 82 New Brunswick: 93 TTN: 92 ACY: 94 PHL: 93
  12. Today's highs TEB: 90 New Brunswick: 90 PHL: 89 EWR: 88 ACY: 88 TTN: 88 NYC: 87 LGA: 85 ISP: 81 JFK: 80
  13. Thanks Unc and bluewave for the always great stats and charts. I will open a summer thread to discuss summer '14.
  14. Time to start tracking the 90 degree days. Will post a summer thread to track any heat as well. This year Im going a bit above avg and on par with last year with 1982/2002/2006/1986 the strongest analogs EWR: 23 NYC: 16 LGA: 20 JFK: 11
  15. http://www.scc-ares-races.org/generalinfo/utcchart.html
  16. A little bump for our clipper tracking and 4th storm so far.
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