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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. All sites add one PHL: 94 EWR: 99 TTN: 95 LGA: 92 ACY: 94 TEB: 95 NYC: 93 JFK: 98
  2. All sites add one except jfk. PHL: 93 ewr: 96 ttn: 91 lga: 92 acy: 91 teb: 95 nyc: 91 jfk: 88
  3. PHL, ACY add one. Updated the 89 degree (near misses) days.
  4. updated phl, ewr, acy, jfk add one. 89 - ttn, teb
  5. updated, all sites cracked 90+
  6. updated phl, ewr, teb add another, 4 sites at 89 (acy, ttn, lga, nyc)
  7. thanks. I'll also compile a tally for 89's. A few more yesterday
  8. phl, ewr, ttn , jfk and teb add one.
  9. EWR, PHL and ACY add one. TTN, TEB at 89.
  10. phl adds one, acy misses with an 89 reading.
  11. 6 (see below) official May 30 : 92 Jun 1 : 95 Jun 7 : 92 Jun 8 : 99 jun 9 : 100 jul 2 : 91
  12. chalk one up for ewr, ACY, PHL miss by one
  13. Alex, will do. Ill probably upate later this week. Tony
  14. Updated. Looks like we'll have a break before more heat on/around the 8th.
  15. Updated for 2011 90(+) tracking
  16. Id be curious to see the individual years. I wonder how much 67 and 92 skew the means
  17. I believe NYC had a combined total of 13 days at 88/89 last year which separate them from the other sites with 40/50+ 90 degree days.
  18. 2024: PHL: 32 (Apr: 1 ; May: 1 ; Jun: 9 ; Jul: 14 ; Aug: 7 ; Sep: ) EWR: 33 (Apr: ; May: 1 ; Jun: 11 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 7 ; Sep: ) TTN: 27 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 8 ; Jul: 13 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) LGA: 21 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 6; Jul : 9 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) ACY: 24 (Apr: ; May: 1 ; Jun: 7 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) TEB: 30 (Apr: ; May: 1 ; Jun : 8 ; Jul: 14 ; Aug: 7 ; Sep: ) NYC: 21 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 6 ; Jul: 9 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) JFK: 6 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 2; Jul: 1; Aug: 3 ; Sep: ) ISP: 7 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 4 ; Aug: 2; Sep: ) New Brunswick: 29 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 8; Jul: 15 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) BLM: 19 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 7 ; Jul: 7 ; Aug: 5 ; Sep: ) 89 Degree Days: New Brnswck: 2 ACY: 5 EWR: 9 PHL: 5 2 TEB: 1 LGA: 3 NYC: 5 JFK: 3 TTN: 1 BLM: 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2023: PHL: 24 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 13 ; Aug: 3 ; Sep: 7) EWR: 29 (Apr: 2 ; May: 1 ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 5 ; Sep: 6) TTN: 14 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 8 ; Aug: ; Sep: 5) LGA: 16 (Apr: 0 ; May: ; Jun: 1; Jul : 10 ; Aug: ; Sep: 5) ACY: 17 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: ; Jul: 5; Aug: 2; Sep: 6) TEB: 21 (Apr: 2 ; May: ; Jun : 1 ; Jul: 12 ; Aug: ; Sep: 6) NYC: 12 (Apr: 2 ; May: ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 5 ; Aug: ; Sep: 4) JFK: 8 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: ; Jul: 4 ; Aug: ; Sep: 4) ISP: 5 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: ; Jul: 1 ; Aug: ; Sep: 4) New Brunswick: 19 (Apr: ; May: ; Jun: 1; Jul: 8; Aug: ; Sep: 6) BLM: 21 (Apr: 2 ; May: ; Jun: ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 3; Sep: 6 89 Degree Days: NYC: 4 LGA: 6 TEB: 4 PHL: 7 ACY: 6 TEB: 3 BLM: 3 TTN: 2 ISP: 1 EWR: 1 New Brnswck: 5 JFK:2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2022: PHL: 47 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 5; Jul: 19 ; Aug: 18 ; Sep: 2) EWR: 49 (Apr: 0 ; May: 4 ; Jun 6 ; Jul: 20; Aug: 18; Sep: 1) TTN: 31 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 14 ; Aug: 14; Sep: 0) LGA: 30 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 3; Jul : 11; Aug: 13; Sep:0 ) ACY: 33 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: 3 ; Jul: 16; Aug: 12; Sep: 0 ) TEB: 35 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun : 3 ; Jul: 13 ; Aug: 16; Sep: 0 ) NYC: 25 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun:1 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 11; Sep: 1 ) JFK: 16 (Apr: 0 ; May: 1 ; Jun: 1; Jul: 9 ; Aug: 5 ; Sep: 0 ) ISP: 13 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: 1 ; Jul: 5 ; Aug: 5; Sep:0 ) New Brunswick: 42 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 3; Jul: 17; Aug: 18; Sep: 1 ) BLM: 28 (Apr: 0; May: 4 ; Jun: 2 ; Jul: 12 ; Aug: 10) 89 Degree Days: NYC: 5 TEB: 3 PHL: 4 New Brsnswk: 4 ACY: 3 JFK: 7 LGA: 3 TTN: 7 BLM: 5 EWR: 3 ISP: 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021: PHL: 37 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 9 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 15; Sep: ) EWR: 41 (April: 0; May: 4 ; June: 13 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 13; Sep: 1 ) TTN: 22 (April:0 ; May: 1 ; June: 8 ; Jul: 7 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) LGA: 25 (April: 0; May: ; June: 9 ; Jul: 8; Aug: 8 ; Sep: ) ACY: 26 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 6 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 8 ; Sep: ) TEB: 21 (April: 0; May: ; June: 9 ; Jul: 6 ; Aug: 6 ; Sep: ) NYC: 17 (April: 0 ; May: ; June: 8; Jul: 4; Aug: 5 ; Sep: ) JFK: 10 (April: 0; May: 2 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 1 ; Aug: 4; Sep: ) ISP: 10 (April: 0; May:1 ; June: 1 ; Jul:1 ; Aug: 7 ; Sep: ) New Bnswk: 35 (April: 0 , May: 3, June: 10, July: 10; Aug: 12 ;Sep:; ) 89 degree days EWR: 4 ACY: 10 PHL: 5 TTN: 9 NYC: 5 ISP: 6 BLM: 4 TEB: 8 89 JFK: 6 LGA: 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2020: PHL: 36 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 5 ; Jul: 21 ; Aug: 10; Sep: ; Oct: ) EWR: 31 (April: 0; May: 0; June: 5 ; Jul: 17 ; Aug: 9 ; Sep: ; Oct: ) TTN: 28 (April:0 ; May: 0; June: 4; Jul: 17 ; Aug: 7; Sep: ; Oct: ) LGA: 34 (April: 0; May: 0; June: 5 ; Jul: 19 ; Aug: 10; Sep: ; Oct: ) ACY: 30 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 5 ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 9 ; Sep: ; Oct: ) TEB: 26 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 8 ; Sep: ; Oct: ) NYC: 20 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 4 ; Sep: ; Oct: ) JFK: 13 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: ; Jul: 11 ; Aug: 2 ; Sep: ; Oct: ) ISP: 8 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: ; Jul: 6 ; Aug:2 ; Sep: ) New Bnswk: 30(April:0 , May: , June: 4, July: 16; Aug: 10 ;Sep: ; Oct :) BLM: 28 89 degree days; New Brnswick: 9 ACY: 5 TEB: 8 LGA: 9 TTN: 4 EWR: 6 PHL: 4 BLM: 7 JFK:2 NYC: 3 ISP: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: PHL: 33 (April: 0; May: 1 ; June: 4 ; Jul: 18; Aug: 8 ; Sep: 3 ; Oct: 1 ) EWR: 27 (April: 0; May: 1 ; June: 4 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 4 ; Sep: 3; Oct: 1 ) TTN: 17 (April: ; May: ; June: 3; Jul: 12 ; Aug:2 ; Sep: ; Oct: 1 ) LGA: 26 (April: 0; May: ; June: 4 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 5; Sep: 2; Oct: 1) ACY: 32 (April: 0; May: 2 ; June: 5 ; Jul: 16; Aug: 6 ; Sep: 2 ; Oct: 1 TEB: 37 (April: 0; May: ; June: 4 ; Jul: 17 ; Aug: 10; Sep: 4; Oct: 1) NYC: 15 (April: 0; May: ; June: 1 ; Jul: 10; Aug: 3 ; Sep: ; Oct: 1 ) JFK: 8 (April: 0; May: ; June: 1; Jul: 5 ; Aug: 1 ; Sep: ; Oct: 1 ) ISP: 8 (April: 0; May: ; June: 2 ; Jul: 5; Aug: 1 ; Sep: ) New Bnswk: 23 (April: , May: , June: 3, July: 12; Aug: 4 ;Sep: 3 ; Oct :1 ) 89 degree days EWR: 10 PHL: 10 LGA: 11 New Brnswck: 9 NYC: 4 JFK: 6 TEB: 3 ISP: 5 ACY: 2 TTN: 10 BLM: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018: PHL: 30 (April: 0; May : 1 ; June: 4 ; Jul: 11; Aug: 10 ; Sep: 4 ) EWR: 36 (April: 0; May: 4 ; June: 5; Jul: 9 ; Aug: 14; Sep: 4 ) TTN: 29(April: ; May: 2 ; June: 4; Jul: 8 ; Aug: 11; Sep: 4) LGA: 38 (April: 0; May: 4; June: 4; Jul: 10; Aug: 16; Sep: 4) ACY: 38 (April: 0; May: 3; June: 5 ; Jul: 11 ; Aug: 13 ; Sep: 4) TEB: 41 (April: 0; May: 4 ; June: 5 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 18; Sep: 4 ) NYC: 21 (April: 0; May: 2 ; June: 3; Jul: 6; Aug: 7 ; Sep: 3) JFK: 8 (April: 0; May: ; June: 1; Jul: 2 ; Aug: 4; Sep: 1) ISP: 8 (April: 0; May: ; June: ; Jul:2 ; Aug: 5 ; Sep: 1) New Bnswk: 33 (April: , May: 2, June: 4, July: 10; Aug: 13 ;Sep:; 4 ) 89 degree days PHL: 8 New Brunswick: 6 EWR: 7 ACY: 7 LGA: 6 ISP: 7 JFK: 6 NYC: 4 TEB: 2 TTN: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2017 PHL: 27 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 6 ; Jul: 11 ; Aug: 5; Sep:2 ) EWR: 22 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 5 ; Jul: 9; Aug: 2 ; Sep: 3 ) TTN: 17 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 4; Jul: 6; Aug: 2 ; Sep: 2) LGA: 17 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 8 ; Aug: 2 ; Sep: 1) ACY: 18 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 9; Aug: 3 ; Sep: ) TEB: 24 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 5; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 3 ; Sep: 3) NYC: 13 (April: 0; May: 3 ; June: 3; Jul: 5 ; Aug: 1; Sep: 1) JFK: 9 (April: 0; May: 1 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 5 Aug: ; Sep: 1) ISP: 8 (April: 0; May : ; June: 2 ; Jul: 6; Aug: ; Sep: ) New Bnswk: 23 (April: 0; May: 3; June: 8 ; Jul: 9; Aug: 2; Sep: 1) 89 Degree days ACY: 4 ISP: 5 New Brunswick: 6 EWR: 3 TEB: 6 TTN: 7 PHL: 9 LGA: 3 JFK: 1 NYC: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016: PHL: 45 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3; Jun: 5 ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 16 ; Sep: 5 EWR: 40 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 3 ; Jul: 16; Aug: 13 ; Sep: 5 TTN: 35 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: 4; Jul: 13; Aug: 12 ; Sep: 4 LGA: 32 (Apr: 0 ; May: 3 ; Jun: 1; Jul : 15; Aug: 10 ; Sep: 3 ACY: 30 (Apr: 0 ; May: 1 ; Jun: 4 ; Jul: 12; Aug: 10; Sep: 3 TEB: 35 (Apr: 0 ; May: 4 ; Jun : ; Jul: 15; Aug: 11; Sep: 5 NYC: 22 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: ; Jul: 10; Aug: 7; Sep: 3 JFK: 15 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun:1 ; Jul: 7 ; Aug: 6; Sep: 1 ISP: 15 (Apr: 0 ; May: ; Jun: ; Jul: 7 ; Aug: 7; Sep: 1 New Brunswick: 39 (Apr: 0 ; May: 4 ; Jun: 3; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 11; Sep: 5 89 Degree Days: TEB: 7 TTN: 6 PHL: 7 New Brunswick: 6 EWR: 3 NYC: 7 ACY: 4 JFK: 1 LGA: 9 ISP: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015: PHL: 37 (Apr: 0 ; May: 1; Jun: 7; Jul: 10; Aug: 12; Sep: 7 EWR: 35 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2; Jun 4; Jul: 11; Aug: 13; Sep: 5 TTN: 27 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2; Jun: 4; Jul: 6; Aug: 9; Sep: 6 LGA: 20 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun:3; Jul : 6; Aug: 8; Sep: 3 ACY: 21 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun: 5; Jul: 4; Aug: 8; Sep: 3 TEB: 38 (Apr: 0 ; May: 4 ; Jun : 5; Jul: 8; Aug: 12; Sep: 8 NYC: 20 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun: 1; Jul: 5 ; Aug: 8; Sep: 6 JFK: 12 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun: 1; Jul:3 ; Aug: 6; Sep: 2 ISP: 7 (Apr: 0 ; May: 0 ; Jun: 0 ; Jul: 3 ; Aug: 2; Sep: 2 New Brunswick: 36 (Apr: 0 ; May: 2 ; Jun: 3; Jul: 11; Aug: 14; Sep: 6 89 Degree Days: TEB: 7 TTN: 4 PHL: 10 New Brunswick: 10 EWR: 6 NYC: 8 ACY: 9 JFK: 9 LGA: 7 ISP: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 PHL: 19 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: 3; Jul: 11 ; Aug: 3; Sep: 2; Oct:0 ) EWR: 15 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2; Jul: 8 ; Aug: 2; Sep: 3; Oct: 0 ) TTN: 11 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2; Jul: 7 ; Aug: 0; Sep: 2; Oct: 0 ) LGA: 6 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 0 ; Jul: 3 ; Aug: 1; Sep: 2; Oct: 0) ACY: 8 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 4 ; Aug: 0; Sep: 2; Oct: 0 ) TEB: 24 (April: 0; May: 1 ; June: 6 ; Jul: 9 ; Aug: 4; Sep: 4; Oct: 0 ) NYC: 8 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 0 ; Jul: 3 ; Aug: 3; Sep: 2; Oct: 0) JFK: 2 (April: 0; May: 0; June: 1 ; Jul: 0 ; Aug: 0 ; Sep: 1; Oct: 0) ISP: 0 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 0 ; Jul: 0 ; Aug: 0; Sep: 0; Oct: 0) New Bnswk: 17 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 4; Jul: 6; Aug: 3; Sep: 4; Oct: 0) 89 degree days PHL: 6 NYC: 4 EWR: 2 ISP: 1 TEB: 7 ACY:4 LGA: 3 New Brunswick: 2 TTN: 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 PHL: 20 (April: 0; May:3 ; June: 4; Jul: 12 ; Aug: ; Sep: 1; Oct: ) EWR: 25 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 4; Jul: 15 ; Aug: 3; Sep: 1; Oct: ) TTN: 16 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 3; Jul: 10 ; Aug: ; Sep: 1; Oct: ) LGA: 21 (April: 0; May:2 ; June:2 ; Jul: 15 ; Aug: 1; Sep: 1; Oct:) ACY: 17 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 4 ; Jul: 11 ; Aug: ; Sep: 1; Oct: ) TEB: 28 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 6 ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 2 ; Sep: 1; Oct: 1 ) NYC: 17 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 10 ; Aug: 1; Sep: 1; Oct: ) JFK: 9 (April: 0; May: ; June:2 ; Jul:7 ; Aug: ; Sep: ; Oct: ) ISP: 10 (April: 0; May: ; June:2 ; Jul: 8 ; Aug: ; Sep:; Oct:) New Bnswk: 23 (April: 0; May:2 ; June: 3; Jul: 14 ; Aug: 3 ; Sep: 1; Oct:) 89 degree days PHL: 7 EWR: 7 TTN: 1 New Brunswick: 4 LGA: 7 ACY: 6 TEB: 6 NYC: 2 JFK: 1 ISP: 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012 PHL: 39 (April: 0; May 2: ; June:7 ; Jul: 21; Aug: 8 ; Sep: 1 ) EWR: 33 (April: 0; May: 2 ; June:6 ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 7; Sep: 2 ) TTN: 29 (April: 1; May: 2 ; June: 7 ; Jul: 15 ; Aug: 3; Sep:1 ) LGA: 28 (April: 0; May: 2; June:6 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 6; Sep: ) ACY: 26 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 6 ; Jul: 14 ; Aug: 3; Sep:1 ) TEB: 36 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 6 ; Jul: 17 ; Aug: 9; Sep:2 ) NYC: 19 (April: 0; May: ; June:5 ; Jul: 10; Aug: 3; Sep:1 ) JFK: 16 ((April: 0; May: ; June: 5 ; Jul: 8 ; Aug: 2 ; Sep:1 ) ISP: 11 (April: 0; May: ; June: 5 ; Jul: 6; Aug: ; Sep: ) New Bnswk: 35 (April: 1, May: 2, June: 6, July: 17; Aug: 8;Sep:1; ) 89 degree days PHL: 7 EWR: 6 TTN: 4 LGA: 5 ACY: 4 TEB: 4 NYC: 8 JFK: 3 ISP: 3 NBNSWK: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 PHL: 33 (April: 0; May: 3; June: 5 ; Jul: 21 ; Aug: 4 ; Sep: ) EWR: 31 (April: 0; May: 1; June: 4; Jul: 22; Aug: 4; Sep: ) TTN: 26 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 3; Jul: 17 ; Aug: 4; Sep: ) LGA: 18 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 13; Aug: 2 ; Sep: ) ACY: 32 (April: 0; May: 1; June: 6 ; Jul: 21 ; Aug: 4; Sep: ) TEB: 28 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 4 ; Jul: 18 ; Aug: 4; Sep: ) NYC: 20 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 3 ; Jul: 14; Aug: 3; Sep: ) JFK: 13 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 1 ; Jul: 10; Aug: 2 ; Sep: ) 89 degree days PHL: 2 EWR: 2 TTN: 8 LGA: 6 ACY: 5 TEB: 8 NYC: 3 JFK: 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 PHL: 55 (April: 0; May: 2; June: 15; Jul: 19; Aug: 12; Sep: 7) *4 89 EWR: 54 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 13; Jul: 21; Aug: 11; Sep: 6) *3 89 TTN: 52 (April: 0; May: 3; June: 10; Jul: 21; Aug: 13; Sep: 5) *5 89 LGA: 48 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 12; Jul: 18; Aug: 11; Sep: 4) *3 89 ACY: 46 (April: 1; May: 1; June: 14; Jul: 14; Aug: 11; Sep: 5) TEB: 41 (April: 1; May: 2; June: 10; Jul: 16; Aug: 8; Sep: 4) *4 89 NYC: 37 (April: 1; May: 1; June: 4; Jul: 16; Aug: 12; Sep: 3) *12 89 / 3 88 JFK: 31 (April: 0; May: 1; June: 8; Jul: 12; Aug: 7; Sep: 2) *3 89 http://w1.weather.gov/obhistory/KACY.ht http://w1.weather.gov/obhistory/KACY.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KEWR.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KPHL.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KTTN.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KLGA.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KACY.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KTEB.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KNYC.html http://www.srh.noaa....story/KJFK.html http://www.easternus...90-degree-days/
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