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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. EWR: 92 New Brnswick: 91 TEB: 91 LGA: 91 NYC: 90 PHL: 89 TTN: 88 JFK: 85 ISP: 85 ACY: 85
  2. Clean hot sweep Today's highs; LGA: 97 PHL: 96 EWR: 95 TEB: 94 New Brunswick: 94 TTN: 93 ACY: 93 NYC: 93 ISP: 91 JFK: 91
  3. Today's highs; LGA: 93 EWR: 93 TEB: 93 PHL: 92 New Brunswick: 91 TTN: 91 ACY: 90 NYC: 89 ISP: 88 JFK: 87
  4. Today's highs; ACY: 94 PHL: 94 LGA: 92 New Brunswick: 92 EWR: 91 TEB: 91 ISP: 90 NYC: 90 TTN: 89 JFK: 88
  5. Today's Highs; EWR: 94 TEB: 94 ACY: 93 JFK: 93 ISP: 93 PHL: 92 LGA: 92 New Brunswick: 91 TTN: 89 NYC: 88
  6. PHL: 96 TTN: 93 New Brunswick: 93 LGA: 91 EWR: 91 TEB: 91 ACY: 90 NYC: 88 JFK: 85 ISP: 84
  7. Today's highs PHL: 94 TTN: 91 EWR: 90 New Brunswick: 90 TEB: 88 ACY: 88 NYC: 86 LGA: 86 JFK: 87 ISP: 81
  8. Today's highs park lower as usual EWR: 95 PHL: 94 TEB: 94 LGA: 93 TTN: 93 ACY: 93 TTN: 93 New Brunswick: 91 NYC: 89 JFK: 88 ISP: 86
  9. Today's highs; LGA: 96 PHL: 95 EWR: 95 TEB: 94 New Brunswick: 94 TTN: 93 ACY: 92 NYC: 91 NYC: 91 JFK: 88 ISP: 88
  10. today's highs many off a degree JFK: 90 EWR: 89 LGA: 89 TEB: 89 PHL: 89 ACY: 88 New Brunswick: 88 TTN: 87 NYC: 86 ISP: 86
  11. For now skies clearing up so the brunt of the holiday weekend should be very nice.
  12. Eesh that forecast turned ugly quickly. These systems are always ahead of prog's and at this point the only hope would be for this to track north with the main band.
  13. INteresting ECM and nam has widespread tstorms between 8 and overnight on the 4th now. GFS keeps em south. Other than that the day looks great.
  14. Forecast remaining essentially unchanged. Warm holiday weekend 85 - 90 with some scattered storms fri and sun. 4th of July 83 - 88 range and sunny. Week turns a bit warmer 6th - 8th upper 80s / low 90s. Summer time
  15. Latest guidance remains in the mid to upper 80s range for the 4th after some afternoon/evening storms on the third. Fri - Sun look warm 85 - 90 range.
  16. Latest guidance still lining up nicely for 4th of July but timing of track of front still needs to be honed down. As it stands now Fr (7/1) - Sun (7/3) looks warm 85 - 90 with Mon (7/4) low to mid 80s.
  17. Overnight guidance a bit more unsettled for Mon Jul 4th after what seems like a very sunny/warm weekend Fri-Sun 1st - 3rd. Trough and front timing and amount of storms to be ironed out next 10 days. 83 - 87 some scattered storms
  18. 4th of July coming into view and troughing looks to be in place over the northeast to open July. Looks near normal as of now 80s. We'll see how it progresses.
  19. JFK: 92 ACY: 90 EWR: 90 New Brunswick: 87 PHL: 87 TTN: 86 LGA: 86 TEB: 86 NYC: 86 ISP: 86
  20. Today's Highs: EWR: 91 TTN: 90 LGA: 89 New Brunswick: 89 TEB: 89 JFK: 88 PHL: 88 ACY: 88 NYC: 87 ISP: 86
  21. Today's highs; TTN: 92 New Brunswick: 91 PHL: 91 ACY: 87 TEB: 87 EWR: 85 NYC: 84 LGA: 82 JFK: 76 ISP: 75
  22. Today's highs TTN: 93 PHL: 91 ACY: 91 New Brunswick: 90 NYC: 88 TEB: 88 EWR: 88 LGA: 84 JFK: 81 ISP: 74
  23. Today's Highs: PHL: 90 TTN: 87 EWR: 88 ACY: 93 LGA: 87 New Brunswick 87 NYC: 83 TEB: 84 JFK: 87 ISP: 86
  24. With just about 3 weeks to go the holiday will slowly start showing up on some long range forecasts Past July 4th's Year. 23..21..20..19..18..17...16..15...14...13...12....11....10...09...08....07....06...05....04...03...02...01...00...99...98...97...96...95..94...93 EWR: 91..84..87...89...89...88...84...79...76...91...97...92...101...83...81....73...89...80...87...94...100...81....88...99...86...88...72...84..86..97 LGA:. 87..79..88...93...84...87...86...75...74...91....95...88....98....81...80....73...92...82...83...93...98....81....84...95...86...87...73...84..83..92 TTN: 85..79..89...91...91...86...82...75...75...84....88...95....99....81...80....74...89...84...89...92...97....82....87...99...85...84...73...81..83..92 JFK: 85..75..85....97...86...85...82...80...76....84...89...86....101...83...82....72...86..78...79...92...99....75....81...97...82...89...74...80..83..96 NYC: 85..77.. 87...90...86...85...84...75...74...87....92...86....96....79...78....71...87...83...82...92...96....79....84...96...84...85...71...84..86..95
  25. Today's Highs PHL: 92 TTN: 91 EWR: 91 ACY: 90 LGA: 90 New Brunswick: 90 NYC: 88 TEB: 89 JFK: 82 ISP: 75
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