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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. Up to 78 here but about an hour or so from mainly cloudy conditions. SO should just break 80. Guidance was not enthused on any type of heat through around fathers day. Still believe some sneaky heat can encroach the area on/around Jun 9 but will need t watch. Beyond there current pattern could shift to a hot one towards late Jun and into July.
  2. Feeling once beyond this period and on/around Jun 8/9 we may see more ridging into the northeast. Perhaps the next and for most first chance at 90s. We'll see if troughing wants to linger near the northeast.
  3. Up to a very nice 82 today. Its nice having a full day of sun again.
  4. Just south and west of the front ABE: + 4.7 TTN: +1.6 PHL: +2.4 ACY: +3.1 DOV: +5.4 BWI: + 5.1 DCA: +5.0
  5. Hit 77 here today limited sun. Wrong side of the front if you preferred warmer/drier weather these past few days. Looks like troughiness into the east (overall) the next week. Well see if ridging and the next shot at warmth materializes on/around Jun 8ish.
  6. 77 here and rising. near 90 about 9 miles to my southwest
  7. Now up to 80 / 70 sun out but storms looming to the west in EPA
  8. Shaping up to be a beautiful Memorial day. Mostly Sunny all day with temps near or in the low 80s. Past Memorial Days Highs; 2018 5/28 : 71 (0.0) 2017 5/29 : 61 (0.14) 2016 5/30: 83 (1.39) 2015 5/25: 90 (0.0) 2014 5/26: 88 (0.00) 2013 5/27: 76 (0.00) 2012 5/28: 91 (Trace) 2011 5/30: 92 (0.32) 2010 5/31: 89 (T)
  9. 5/26 EWR: 90 BLM: 89 LGA: 89 New Brnswick: 88 PHL: 88 TEB: 88 ACY: 88 ISP: 86 TTN: 86 NYC: 86 JFK: 85
  10. 5/26 EWR: 90 BLM: 89 LGA: 89 New Brnswick: 88 PHL: 88 TEB: 88 ACY: 88 ISP: 86 TTN: 86 NYC: 86 JFK: 85
  11. Next shot at 90 (some non official sites hit it on 5/20 Monday) tomorrow.
  12. Images were cached but if you click the link some mid/high level clouds just to the west. Hope they clear out before dulling part of the afternoon.
  13. Does anyone know why embedded live URL linked images cache to prior days or hours? Not sure if its the site or me?
  14. Partly Sunny here and a gorgeous morning. Up tp 67 http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/SAT_NE/anim8vis.html
  15. 5/20 Highs ACY: 90 BLM: 90 EWR: 89 PHL: 89 LGA: 89 TTN: 88 TEB: 88 New Brunswick: 87 JFK: 86 NYC: 85 (lots of rain and overgrowth) ISP: 80
  16. 5/20 Highs ACY: 90 EWR: 89 PHL: 89 LGA: 89 TTN: 88 TEB: 88 New Brunswick: 87 JFK: 86 NYC: 85 ISP: 80
  17. 5/19 Highs New Brnswck: 87 PHL: 85 TTN: 84 EWR: 84 TEB: 83 BLM: 83 ACY: 78 NYC: 76 LGA: 76 ISP: 73 JFK: 69
  18. Up to 83 should easily be the warmest day since Oct 7th
  19. Morning rain dropped another .19 in the bucket, skies are clear and up to 74. Pending on clouds may see some 87-91 in NJ tomorrow with next shot in/around that May 25 period.
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