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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. 6/25 Highs ACY: 89 EWR: 88 PHL: 88 New Brnswick: 88 TEB: 88 LGA: 87 TTN: 87 BLM: 86 NYC: 84 JFK: 81 ISP: 74
  2. Shaping up to be a a warm 4th of July . Coming weekend looks hot Saturday with CF some time sunday with a cooler Mon (7/1) and warming Tue (7/2) and hot wed 7/3) and thu (7/4) Still need to work out timing with an storms beyond Sunday (6/30)
  3. Thu - Sat potential first heatvwave and a wamer-hotter independence day / weekend looks possible...
  4. 6/24 Highs TEB: 89 EWR: 87 LGA: 86 TTN: 86 BLM: 86 New Brnswick: 86 PHL: 86 ACY: 85 ISP: 84 NYC: 84 JFK: 83
  5. Glorious day 6/23 Highs EWR: 87 LGA: 86 TEB: 86 JFK: 85 New Brunswick: 85 ACY: 85 BLM: 84 PHL: 84 ISP: 84 TTN: 83 NYC: 83
  6. Saw that , just pointing out similar June departures last 5 years. This year may wind up being warmer.
  7. This June should finish equal or warmer overall (departures) than 2012 - 2018 despite the wetness and lack of heat. EWR: -0.7 (thru 6/22) so far EWR Jun Departures 2018: -0.3 2017: +0.3 2016: +0.3 2015: -0.4 2014: +0.4 2013: +0.9 2012: +0.1 2011: +2.0 2010: +3.8
  8. Between the rain and cooler week days the weekends have been mostly very nice since Memorial Day and today is shaping up to be one of the nicest. Sunny an 80 here. Believe THu - Fri /Sat (6/27-29) finally offer a shot at widespread 90s and the first for many. Models a bit more split now on next weekend and fourth of July week so more to come as we progress through this week.
  9. Still a ways away (15 days) but latest guidance hinting at height rising and 850 temps of 16-18, signalling a warm Independence day. Details and any storms or fronts / timing to be worked out.
  10. Made it up to 84 under mostly sunny condition through 4:00PM now starting to cloud up. Overall another great weekend day 6 or 7 of the last 8 since Memorial Day. Lets see how tomorrow goes.
  11. So far clouds have been clearing as they push east into NJ.
  12. Not able to post it due to the caching issue (it would show yesterdays image loop) but plenty of clouds may threaten this mostly sunny forecast looming in PA. Saved image
  13. About 26 days away and tracking should begin soon enough. Latest GFS and ECM showing some elevated heights into the east to open July. Thinking, similar to last year and 17 we are on our way to open July with a warming pattern shift.
  14. Lets see if this translates to SE ridging on subsequent guidance runs.
  15. The area has been a cloud magnet for sure and it looks like clouds will throw a wrench in chance at 90 or widespread 90s sun - tues next week.
  16. The heaviest rain looks to be out of the area in the next hour
  17. Been a lingering glitch on the site for a year or so now. Until a new thread is started. Another source
  18. Clearing line approaching (hope this isnt a cahed image)
  19. EWR Jun Departures 2018: -0.3 2017: +0.3 2016: +0.3 2015: -0.4 2014: +0.4 2013: +0.9 2012: +0.1 2011: +2.0 2010: +3.8 2009: -3.6 2008: +2.9 2007: +0.3 2006: +0.1 2005: +2.2 2004: -0.2 2003: -3.2 2002: -0.1 2001: +1.5 2000: +0.0 1999: +1.8 1998: -2.4 1997: -1.4 1996: +0.5 1995: +0.5 1994: +5.3 1993: +3.4
  20. 90's is so 2010's - lets go for 100's 1966 style .
  21. California-like day out there today. This will make 3 great weekends in a row overall since the Motherss day awfulness . Guidance continues to keep summer / heat at bay but i still think once past fathers day we warm things up and EWR / LGA even NYC will grab 90's before July in the last 10 days of June.
  22. 8 years ago 2011 temps hit 100 in the area a 3 day precursor to the July frunace.
  23. Through the first week and despite a lack of heat, overall warm in the area. These will likely be eroded 6/9 - 6/15 Dep thru 6/7 NYC: +1.9 EWR: +2.2 LGA: +2.5 JFK: +1.6 ISP: +2.5 TTN: +1.6 PHL: +2.3
  24. Some high clouds fog burn off but shaping up to be the nicest day for a while / till next weekend maybe (not sure why its showing yesterdays loop)
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