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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. 2PM becoming mostly sunny now LGA: 86 EWR: 86 ACY: 86 TEB: 85 PHL: 85 New Brunswick: 85 BLM: 85 JFK: 84 NYC: 84 ISP: 84 TTN: 83
  2. 1PM ; BLM: 85 EWR: 85 ACY: 84 ISP: 83 PHL: 83 LGA: 83 JFK: 83 TEB: 83 New Brunswick: 83 NYC: 82 TTN: 81
  3. ECM has the center of Barry's remnants near IL/KY Wed morning then tracking east later Wed / Thu. Should this timing hold up id expect tue and maybe wed to soar to the mid/upper 90s with a wetter wed pm/ thu. Beyond there ECM wants to pump the ridge into Mid west which would keep things warm - hot here and potentially feature consistent storms. betting a warm and wetter is the way to go.
  4. GFS and ECM with 850 temps of 18-21C Wed - Fri (7/17-19) next week. Remnants of Barry nearby should equate to more clouds and storms but if one of those 3 days see mostly sunny conditions could see some upper 90s. Beyond there (7/22 - late July) overall hot setup continues
  5. 7/12: ACY: 90 EWR: 90 ISP: 90 JFK: 90 TEB: 90 New Brunswick: 89 LGA: 89 PHL: 89 BLM: 88 NYC: 87 TTN: 87
  6. 7/12: ACY: 90 EWR: 90 ISP: 90 JFK: 90 TEB: 90 New Brunswick: 89 LGA: 89 PHL: 89 BLM: 88 NYC: 87 TTN: 87
  7. 2PM; EWR: 89 LGA: 88 ACY: 88 ISP: 87 New Brunswick: 87 PHL: 87 JFK: 87 TEB: 87 BLM: 86 TTN: 86 NYC: 82
  8. Despite the clouds temps still warm and some of the warmer spots may snatch another 90 especially if skies clear a bit more later this afternoon. 1PM; ISP: 87 ACY: 87 New Brunswick: 86 PHL: 86 BLM: 86 JFK: 85 TEB: 85 LGA: 85 TTN: 85 NYC: 84 EWR: 84
  9. Agreed and have been of the belief the caveat in extreme heat next week Tue - Sat will be the remnants of the system in the Gulf and its eventual trek east. You have to imagine a day or two of clouds and storms to low the heat punch. Either way even beyond there (7/21 and beyond) looks to continue hot with 850s 16-20. So heat if anything may ne delayed or shortened but not denied.
  10. 7/10: TEB: 94 EWR; 92 LGA: 91 PHL: 90 BLM: 90 New Brunswick: 89 ISP: 89 ACY: 89 NYC: 88 JFK: 88 TTN: 87
  11. 7/10: TEB: 94 EWR; 92 LGA: 91 PHL: 90 BLM: 90 New Brunswick: 89 ISP: 89 ACY: 89 NYC: 88 JFK: 88 TTN: 87
  12. 7/9: EWR: 91 TEB: 90 JFK: 89 LGA: 89 New Brunswck: 88 TTN: 87 PHL: 87 NYC: 87 ISP: 87 ACY: 86 BLM: 86
  13. 7/9: EWR: 91 TEB: 90 JFK: 89 LGA: 89 New Brunswck: 88 TTN: 87 PHL: 87 NYC: 87 ISP: 87 ACY: 86 BLM: 86
  14. Caveat to next week's strong heat would be the remnants of any Tropical system moving north out of the GOM and subsequent slow treck east. Liekly means some persistent rains into the MS valley for several days ahead of ejecting east. But ahead of that today should fetch more 90s for the metro area. 11Am Roundup: JFK: 85 EWR: 85 ISP: 84 TEB: 84 New Brunswck: 83 LGA: 83 BLM: 82 ACY: 82 PHL: 81 NYC: 81 TTN: 79
  15. 7/7: EWR: 87 TEB: 87 PHL: 87 New Brunswck: 86 NYC: 86 LGA: 85 JFK: 85 TTN: 85 ISP: 83 ACY: 83 BLM: 80
  16. Those mostly cloudy forecasts are busting thankfully. Shaping up to be another nice weekend day
  17. 7/5 PHL: 91 ACY: 87 New Brnswick: 88 TTN: 88 TEB: 87 NYC: 86 LGA: 85 JFK: 83 ISP: 83 EWR: 83 BLM: 81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/6: LGA: 93 TEB: 93 EWR: 92 NYC: 90 PHL: 90 ACY: 90 BLM: 90 New Brnswick: 89 TTN: 88 JFK: 87 ISP: 86
  18. 7/5 PHL: 91 ACY: 87 New Brnswick: 88 TTN: 88 TEB: 87 NYC: 86 LGA: 85 JFK: 83 ISP: 83 EWR: 83 BLM: 81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/6: LGA: 93 TEB: 93 EWR: 92 NYC: 90 PHL: 90 ACY: 90 BLM: 90 New Brnswick: 89 TTN: 88 JFK: 87 ISP: 86
  19. 7/4: LGA: 93 TEB: 92 PHL: 92 TTN: 91 NYC: 90 New Brnswick: 89 EWR: 89 ISP: 88 ACY: 87 JFK: 87 BLM: 86
  20. 7/4: LGA: 93 TEB: 92 PHL: 92 TTN: 91 NYC: 90 New Brnswick: 89 EWR: 89 ISP: 88 ACY: 87 JFK: 87 BLM: 86
  21. 7/3: ACY: 92 TEB: 91 PHL: 90 BLM: 89 New Brnswick: 88 ISP: 88 NYC: 87 LGA: 87 EWR: 87 JFK: 86 TTN: 86
  22. Despite the clouds temps near or in the low 80s as of 9AM, high launching ground. With any prolonged clearing and subsequent sun, temps will exceed forecast. ISP: 82 JFK: 82 EWR: 82 TEB: 81 LGA: 81 ACY: 79 NYC: 79 New Brnswick: 79 PHL: 78 BLM: 77 TTN: 77
  23. Plenty of clouds / scattered showers around this morning may limit any widespread 90s unless things clear out in the early afternoon,
  24. Looking warm 7/3 - 7/6. 4th (holiday) in the mid-upper 80s with onshore flow along the beaches (70s) but still oveall great day and fireworks shows should be fine.
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