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Posts posted by SACRUS

  1. On 4/26/2011 at 9:17 AM, SACRUS said:



    PHL: 29 (April: 0; May: 0  ; June: 5 ; Jul: 21 ; Aug:  3; Sep:  ; Oct:  )
    EWR: 24  (April: 0; May:  0; June: 5 ; Jul: 17  ; Aug: 2  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    TTN: 24 (April:0 ; May:  0; June: 4;  Jul: 17 ; Aug: 3; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    LGA: 28 (April: 0; May: 0; June: 5 ; Jul: 19  ; Aug: 4; Sep:  ; Oct: )
    ACY: 24 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 5  ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 3 ; Sep: ; Oct: )
    TEB: 21 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 16  ; Aug:3 ; Sep: ;  Oct: )
    NYC: 16 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 14; Aug:  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    JFK: 11 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: ; Jul: 11 ; Aug:  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    ISP: 6 (April: 0; May:0 ; June:  ; Jul: 6 ; Aug: ; Sep: )
    New Bnswk: 23 (April:0 , May: , June: 4, July: 16; Aug:3  ;Sep: ; Oct :)
    BLM:   24

    89 degree days;

    New Brnswick: 8
    ACY: 3
    TEB: 5
    LGA: 5
    TTN: 3
    EWR: 2
    PHL: 4
    BLM: 4
    NYC: 2
    ISP: 1



    ACY: 90
    LGA: 90
    EWR: 88
    PHL: 88
    JFK: 88
    TEB: 88
    BLM: 87
    New Brnswck: 87
    TTN: 86
    ISP: 86
    NYC: 86

  2. 80/67 here. Cleanup day today post Isaias.  Temps near 90 with some of the warmer spots reaching 90.  Thu - Sat unsettled with numerous showers and storm chances should cap temps mainly in the 80s.  By Sunday we are warming things back up with some of the warmer spots starting the next potential heatwave.  Ridge building into the Plains with overall higher heights along the east.   ECM has 850s in the >16c Mon/Tue and >18c Wed/Thu.  Still looks ripe for evening storms on most days. 

    Beyond there could see more onshore barrage which looked likely earlier next week , now towards the end of next week and middle of the month.  All signs point to warmer and wetter than normal with potential sizzling finish to August in the last week or more.

  3. 75/73 south winds ahead of Isaias.  0.72 in the bucker since last night.  WAR keeps the heaviest rains into WNJ/EPA but stronger winds here.  Plenty on Isaias beig discussed.  beyond Isaias Wed back to the regularly scheduled warmth.  Warmer spots with next shot at 90.  Thursday more humid and return of almost daily storms  lasting through the weekend.   Warm and wet weekend when cloudy temps mid/upper 80s stray 90 or so.

    Return of the Onshore / Onshore strikes back.  8/12 - 8/15 or so.  Massive ridge building northern Plains / MW and north of the area.  We get in on the return flow of the ridge causing lots of onshore flow next week.  Heat is all around ala Late May and June and warmer SST should keep the area warmer than normal, especially inland but unlike May and June, should see Florida-like routine, almost daily storms chances.  Stronger, sustained heat towards the end of next week as that massive ridge and 850MB >16c overspread the region.  Looking like a warm steamy open of August then a hot second act.


    The hunt for 90s

    Wed 8/5 : warmer spots
    Sun 8/9 - Tue 8/11: pending on clouds could see more widespread near or low 90s degree readings

    8/15 and beyond : widespread 90s looking possible.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/26/2011 at 9:17 AM, SACRUS said:



    PHL: 29 (April: 0; May: 0  ; June: 5 ; Jul: 21 ; Aug:  3; Sep:  ; Oct:  )
    EWR: 24  (April: 0; May:  0; June: 5 ; Jul: 17  ; Aug: 2  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    TTN: 24 (April:0 ; May:  0; June: 4;  Jul: 17 ; Aug: 3; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    LGA: 27 (April: 0; May: 0; June: 5 ; Jul: 19  ; Aug: 3; Sep:  ; Oct: )
    ACY: 23 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 5  ; Jul: 16 ; Aug: 2 ; Sep: ; Oct: )
    TEB: 21 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 16  ; Aug:3 ; Sep: ;  Oct: )
    NYC: 16 (April: 0; May: 0 ; June: 2 ; Jul: 14; Aug:  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    JFK: 11 (April: 0; May:0 ; June: ; Jul: 11 ; Aug:  ; Sep: ; Oct:  )
    ISP: 6 (April: 0; May:0 ; June:  ; Jul: 6 ; Aug: ; Sep: )
    New Bnswk: 23 (April:0 , May: , June: 4, July: 16; Aug:3  ;Sep: ; Oct :)
    BLM:   24

    89 degree days;

    New Brnswick: 8
    ACY: 3
    TEB: 5
    LGA: 5
    TTN: 3
    EWR: 2
    PHL: 4
    BLM: 4
    NYC: 2
    ISP: 1



    BLM: 93 - heatwave
    LGA: 93 - heatwave
    ACY: 92
    EWR: 91
    TTN: 91 - heatwave
    TEB: 90 - heatwave
    PHL: 90 - heatwave
    New Brnswck: 90 - heatwave
    NYC: 88
    JFK: 88
    ISP: 87

  5. 81/64 feels 40 degrees cooler.  Humidity to build back in today.  Warmer spots should grab another 90 (low 90s today) ahead of Isaias.  Still think we are looking on the wetter side 2 - 4 inches widespread but leave the detail to the numerous threads we have actively discussing the impacts.  Beyond Isaias Wed - Thu looks like really good beach days near normal less humid on Thu.   By 8/12 the WAR has positioned back east with a strong Rockies ridge. Caught between these ridges will lead to chances for storms and temps slightly warmer than normal  through 8/12.


    8/13 and beyond  Part 3 of onshore flow followed by high heat.  Rockies ridge build immensely into the Plains north of us causing return E/ENE flow for a period.  This should translate to near normal temps and high humidity days when winds have a more SE component.  Stronger and more sustained heat towards the end of the period as WAR expands west with its retrograde and Plains ridge shifts east and winds get us a more sw flow.  Looking like second half of August scorcher may be in the cards.  

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