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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. 8/12 New Brnswck: 88 EWR: 88 PHL: 87 JFK: 87 TEB: 85 TTN: 85 LGA; 85 ISP: 85 NYC: 85 BLM: 84 ACY: 83
  2. 75/ 56 and just gorgeous as skies are clearing. Mid upper 80s today and the 90s streak ending for those who continued Wed and Thu. Heat capped next 7 - 8 days. Sat (8/13) and Sun (81/4) looking marvelous dry / low humidity and highs a bit below normal in the 80s. Mon (8/15) , Tue ( 8/16) and Wed (8/17) cut off / ULL moving through in s some capacity as trough closes off with Rockies / Plains ridge ballooning into the Pac NW and the Western Atlantic Ridge stubborn and pushing against the trough into the East coast. Models meandering the rain in and around the area, still to be worked out how much rain does or doesnt fall. Potential there from some soaking. By the end of next week Fri (8/19) the Western Atlantic ridge is pushing west and forcing a more humid / warm southerly flow that with it comes its own chance for Florida style showers and storms. Overall warm to hot and humid last 10 days of the month.
  3. 8/11 New Brnswck: 92 EWR: 92 LGA: 91 TEB: 90 PHL: 90 NYC: 89 TTN:88 ISP: 88 BLM: 87 JFK: 86 ACY: 85
  4. 8/11 New Brnswck: 92 EWR: 92 LGA: 91 TEB: 90 PHL: 90 NYC: 89 TTN:88 ISP: 88 BLM: 87 JFK: 86 ACY: 85
  5. 2PM Round up EWR: 90 (40 on the year) New Brnswck: 90 PHL: 88 NYC; 86 TEB: 86 ACY: 85 TTN: 85 LGA: 85 JFK: 84 BLM: 84 ISP: 83
  6. Philly the big winner with the rains over night PHL: 1.60 BLM: 0.86 New brnswck: 0.40 JFK: 0.35 EWR: 0.15 LGA: 0/13 NYC: 0.11 ISP: 0.02
  7. 74/70 0.37 in the bucket. SKies clearing by 11AM. Warmer spots could grab another 90. EWR to 40? Trough builds in Fri (8/12) through Wed (8/17) and closes off at times, cooler, wetter especially Mon (8/15) - Tue (8/16) as cut off spins ULL through the Mid Atlantic and Northeast. Rockies / Pains Ridge heads west to the WC/Pac N-w as the Western Atlantic ridge is pushed down. Caught between the two ridges as trough builds down and cant move it out, so it will be forced back the following week. Highs near / below normal. Western Atlantic Ridge starts to return west by Thu (8/18) and begins to push trough into the GL, with more humid /warm southerly / onshore flow an likely wetter pattern overall. Heat potential returns last 10 days of the month.
  8. 8/10 PHL: 91 New Brnswck: 90 EWR: 90 TEB: 88 JFK: 88 TTN: 88 ACY: 88 NYC: 87 ISP: 86 LGA: 86 BLM: 85
  9. 8/10 PHL: 91 New Brnswck: 90 EWR: 90 TEB: 88 JFK: 88 TTN: 88 ACY: 88 NYC: 87 ISP: 86 LGA: 86 BLM: 85
  10. Still working with 850 MB temps >15c for most part. Today and tomorrow, pending on sun, could get the warmer / drier spots to 90, more into CNJ/NE NJ usual spots before the cooler air arrives later Thu. While these next two days may over perform on high temps, the weekend could have a tendency to cloud up and under perform, perhaps monday and tuesday as well.
  11. More clearing into NNJ/ EWR/ NYC LI etc now http://synoptic.envsci.rutgers.edu/site/imgs/vis_nj_anim.gif
  12. 11AM Round up PHL: 87 JFK: 85 New Brnswck: 85 ISP: 84 ACY: 84 BLM: 84 EWR: 83 TTN: 81 NYC: 80 LGA: 80 TEB: 80
  13. Would not surprise me if sat / sun are more cloudy and spotty showers with cut off over the northeast.
  14. 81/64. Partly Sunny but some clouds moving into N-NJ/NYC, front is nearby just offshore lingering as the Western Atlantic Ridge is slow to retreat. Most folks end the 90s / streak with mid 80s today but some of the warmer spots could grb another 90. Thu (8/11) same theme perhaps the warmer/drier spots can get to 90 / low 90s but otherwise more normalish highs in the mid 80s. Fri (8/12) through the weekend Sat (8/13) and Sun (8/14) much cooler as trough cuts off and ULL moves in up and over the northeast with a N/NNE flow brining down some nice cool canadian air. Can there be some spotty showers and more clouds than currently projected, I think so, we'll see. Caught between two ridges as trough backs into the GL, Rockies / Plains Ridge moves to the west coast, W. A R moves into the Central Atalantic and the EC caught between. Should see continued NE/ Easterly flow so humidity increases and as lows mov along the trough chances for rain Tue (8/16) and Wed (8/17). Beyond: The Western Atlantic Ridge is building west by the end of next week Fri (8/19) and it should yield much ore humid / warmer pattern by next weekend Sat (8/20). Beyond there an overall warm - hot finish the last 10 dys of the month. Tropics to be watched, especially home brewed along EC.
  15. 8/9 EWR: 101 New Brnswck: 100 BLM: 99 LGA: 98 PHL: 98 ACY: 98 TEB: 97 NYC: 97 ISP: 94 JFK: 93 TTN: 93
  16. Clean sweep 8/9 EWR: 101 New Brnswck: 100 BLM: 99 LGA: 98 PHL: 98 TEB: 97 NYC: 97 ACY: 97 ISP: 94 JFK: 93 TTN: 93
  17. storms firing in EPA more in past 45 mins
  18. Clouds moving in y noon http://synoptic.envsci.rutgers.edu/site/imgs/vis_nj_anim.gif
  19. Just hit 90 before 10AM here. Clouds /storms could get in the way of this being the hottest day of the summer so far for a few folks.
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