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About EmersonGA

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    NW GA
  • Interests
    Weather, Woodworking, Fly Fishing

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  1. I was thinking the same thing earlier that the Christmas storm would be a good analog. It snowed all day but didn't stick until sundown. We did get 3" or so then so I ended up happy.
  2. I don't know about you but I've been waiting on the I-20 rule to catch up and push this thing our way.
  3. Looked pretty good to me still. I woke up this morning on the northern edge of things and now the rain line is creeping up like 2015.
  4. Wow on the rose of sharon. I noticed my elderberries were greening out a couple of weeks ago when I pruned them. I went ahead and cut them back since they are so weed like anyways. My forsythia is in full bloom and some of my daffodils have already bloomed and withered. Other than that everything is still pretty dormant I guess since we have had a decent number of freezes since that January stretch.
  5. Don't plant anything that can't survive a hard freeze as we will have one later in March inevitably. Too many times people get lulled into planting by an early spring only to have it hit mid 20s in April with 2007 being a perfect example. Every year my mother in law runs out to Home Depot during a late winter warm spell and plants her vegetable garden. She usually loses most of it. Another thing to take into account is the ground temperatures as even though it is warm for this time of year some plants need ground temps that can only be achieved later. I should add that I speak mostly of vegetables. You can plant shrubs or trees whenever and I'm not sure on grass. I know Bermuda won't come back until mid to late April no matter how warm it is. That is just my experience though.
  6. Love the new sub forum but I kind of feel split now. I'm not technically in he TN valley but I probably share more weather with you guys than the other folks so I will have to hang out in both. I'm a fanof Mr. Bob as well as he has helped to fill my cities coffers over the years.
  7. I guess this is the correct thread but I would like to propose a new rule. Anyone that mentions JB, good or bad, gets five posted. Any body second this?
  8. You should have had a hat on in that picture. You could have caught a cold! Where is that BTW? That's a lot of snow.

  9. Gotta keep those city coffers filled with Tennessee money

  10. Mr. Bob, I've told the Emerson police about your disdain for them and they will be watching for you on I-75. Just wanted to let you know.

  11. Congratulations on the Tag. I've always enjoyed your insight. Thanks for covering us NW GA people.

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