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Everything posted by CaryWx

  1. Not sure I see anything to warrant a WSW for next layer of counties in the eastern piedmont. Just Advisory criteria
  2. Would anyone hazard to guess the euro lines up with the NAM? Double EE rule and all.
  3. Watching WRAL weather video I'm guessing the NWS is holding off on Vance/Franklin/Wake/Lee and perhaps Moore counties on deciding if to issue a WSW or just SA later today. Probably after all the 12z model suites are in.
  4. Yeah, Not in that neck of the woods but find it strange for that one county sort out by itself to have a Watch. Almost have to believe the adjacent counties to its west would also come under WSW
  5. That or just having the sleet/rain line stay south of Wake. Transitioning only to sleet then back to snow. That's fantasy wishing at this point I'm afraid.
  6. With all due respect (and I lived and died on that 1/2017 storm) we still aren't in the NAM wheelhouse yet. That said this one does have that look.
  7. Yes that is the positive take away but we need a couple more trending runs though.
  8. .70 is no bueno for Wake on zr
  9. It's a better look though. Was afraid the trend was going to be worse
  10. Some serious gulf convection robbing the system on that 57hr look
  11. Queen, Could you tell me the SREF snow mean for RDU
  12. One of the posts I saw pointed to the fact that the global models may not be capturing the mid-level temps very well
  13. Definitely seem to be trends taking snow out of the forecast for Charlotte to RDU. We were borderline anyways. Could tack back in with future (and other) model runs but we are seeing this over a couple 12z models now. Canadian coming in stronger though towards NC overall so there is that I guess.
  14. Thanks for the insight Matthew.
  15. One thing the NAM seems to be pointing too on a more global scale for this storm is that the precip will go further north. Whether correct to not I don't know
  16. Pretty sure the reason we don't rely on NAM beyond ~48hrs is the precip projections are low score. Not sure on the other aspects it can sniff out though. Like dew points,etc.
  17. Oh, Almost forgot about that potential feature in storms like this. Definitely have an effect up this way wrt available moisture
  18. beenskip, weaker HP and further west
  19. Do you still that track mid-MS to off ILM?
  20. How is the sounding for RDU on the 18z? Should I ask?
  21. any 850 track south and east of the triangle cannot be all bad.
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