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Everything posted by CaryWx

  1. You and me both. The airport could end up with twice as much snow as my location.
  2. That run leaves my back yard with a Bluto Blutarsky grade point average
  3. At least >40yrs that I know of. The Raleigh News and Observer did an article on it around 1980 that I recall.
  4. If we take a blend of the euro and gfs runs not a bad place to be.
  5. Need to see the 0z gfs Operational run back off that inland somewhat odd tracked SLP just a bit. The CAD is not not of premium quality so there is enough merit to not just simply write off that track
  6. Goose, You have any thoughts on the direction (track) of this SLP track as it turns across FL/Ga?
  7. No. It belongs in another discussion. That's why it has it's own space.
  8. Saw this on the news tonight. I think possibly more related to our pop (heat island) growth though.
  9. Why should we believe these weeklies now for March? Color me skeptical at this point
  10. Overcast and cold. This is your winter 2024 snow day. A real dry bob.
  11. I go back to the carolina crusher of '73. Was in the southeastern part of the state.
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