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Everything posted by CaryWx

  1. Just glad it looks like Cary is going to escape all this.
  2. This is likely overdone for Wake right? Or cold biased?
  3. We don't really have a lot of time for much more trending really do we?
  4. I don't know that I've ever seen this much overcast at one time over the continental US
  5. 900-925mb area is below freezing with all three indicators. That's the sleet zone.
  6. Looks like I'm in the clear for anything nasty. I'll take that
  7. over 0.20" starts to become the flicky flicker
  8. Pretty solid chance you will be Frozen Fork tomorrow morning.
  9. 30* might do some light work on us but those 28s* are going to be grim for a few folks
  10. You don't get good weather with temp extremes like that <40miles apart
  11. Don't get too anxious. Dry Folk is likely to just be Wet Spoon
  12. Good to focus on the important things eyewall and maybe consider the less potentially disappointing distractions. After all this is just weather.
  13. Yeah, not just rip & read from model outputs for sure
  14. euro didn't form the coastal here did it? which is in question going forward.
  15. We do need some cold at 900 to 925 Pack or else might be facing the flicker, flicker & out
  16. Nothing attractive about those map graphics at all. Just ugly
  17. Yep. Sorry to take us off point buckeye. Meanwhile back at the weather...
  18. Whoa guys, My comment on the NWS comment should have been followed with some silly icon probably. It was a bit more tongue-in-cheek than how it was likely interpreted. I highly respect the folks over there and to a great extent they have a thankless job. Also understaffed from what I'm reading. That said their stoic drollness in the forecast discussion needs a little spice once in awhile and sometimes they place a nice zinger in there to wake you up. Props to that. This one however lacked the clever wit they usually produce from time to time. If you are going to drop one in there make it funny.
  19. Not to be a poo poo here but for the immediate triangle next Tues I think we are going to be same as it ever was this winter. It's just the tendency this year. Not quite cold enough.
  20. Yes but the cold air retreating allows the LP amplification in my view not the other way around. Modeling this cold vortex has and remains to be problematic. If I were a betting man...we will not see this brutal cold in the triangle...or only for a very short-lived period of time. It will still be chilly (not warm) for sure but this is February after all
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