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Everything posted by CaryWx

  1. I'm skeptical this event produces much of anything for the Triangle beyond a little zr early on. As pointed out by others the cold is simply not there enough early on and retreating rapidly as storm develops. Congrats to the mountain (maybe foothills) folks. Think you score decently here.
  2. Have to see if 0z gfs still has the system. Maybe colder like the euro?
  3. Better than SC I would imagine unless it is a slider
  4. unless I'm mistaken that's some pretty solid continental cold
  5. Yeah, Fv3 was more like 18z gfs and euro. This 0z suite will be telling maybe. Need to see it swing more to NAM look
  6. Almost all inside it's wheelhouse of 48hrs. Vast majority of this activity anyway. This is not some 72-84hr window we're looking at
  7. Per 18z gfs precip output model Wake county will be shopping at 'the gap'.
  8. So I'm still struggling to understand here. Is this indicative of an earlier phase the euro and gfs have yet to pick up on?
  9. Well euro and gfs are aligning more anyway on the 12z runs
  10. Not sure I follow. Is this more towards the NAM or a solution further east and a later phase.
  11. Getting some really strung out snow totals on these models that have concentrations in various and somewhat odd configurations across NC. Have to believe the final fruition would be more smoothly aligned. Wherever that will be.
  12. GFS lining up with last euro run it seems on that band thru western piedmont. eastern piedmont a little drier?
  13. Granted the NAM has been fairly consistent for what--4 runs in a row now? Still, this just makes me want to see the 12z LR model runs. The diversity in solutions will most assuredly need to start consolidating soon. We have all the RAOBs ingested now right?
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