With the roads wet, the temp dropping rapidly and decent snowfall rate occurring, the flash freeze idea is still on the table, especially out here where there hasn't been any incentive to treat the roads until now.
But the differences in this years snowfall between Manhattan and Brooklyn is a poor reason to lump the boroughs in with a suburban/rural area instead of the city they are part of.
They are going to have a tough time getting near 30". 17" is less than 60% of normal seasonal snowfall.
If we get no additional snowfall here, we'll wind up at about 92% of average snowfall (27 year POR). So it's fair to say this part of LI has had normal snowfall, but NYC has not.
Kinda whacky watching the back edge of the main radar echos translate to the NE at approx. 80mph.
Had the barest of snizzle here. Band off the NJ coast might give us (or perhaps just east of us) a decent snow shower if it holds together.
Temp 32°. 0.52" in the bucket (all liquid)
1.5" in Smithtown. The street was covered, but is mostly melted off now as the snow has become lighter and the mid-day solar is doing its thing.
Snow began around/before dawn and coated the ground before stopping and initially melting off. Snowdepth on the board was 1.5" as of about a half hour ago. All the precip here has been snow. Temp stuck at 32 - 32.5 all morning.
Seasonal snowfall is now over 35".