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Everything posted by NorthShoreWx

  1. Was 8 or 9 days without power here after Isiais. Got through it fine, but if this was real winter (which it isn't) this time of year would be much more problematic. I went backpacking right in the middle of the 2020 outage. Seemed like a good way to go without power, especially since it was "work".
  2. Only when its cold or snowy. It's been his year.
  3. Found a couple inches of snow today in the Catskills, but had to go pretty high for it. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0kjUXSJCls/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  4. I was inside today painting a bathroom. It feels like I got cheated out of a warm day. Should have gone for a hike. The good news is it was comfortable with the window open. Better timing for painting than I imagined it would be
  5. Seems like more areas got a flurry than not this afternoon. But if you weren't paying attention, most were easy to miss.
  6. Had a couple of flurries this afternoon in Smithtown. Its rare for us to not get at least a trace in November. Maybe not as rare as a heavy November snowfall.
  7. 0.14" here last night. We've only had 1.84" total for November.
  8. So now Manhattan and central Suffolk are listed in the same hardiness zone. That seems unlikely.
  9. I think the recent snowfall totals are more similar to what they were long ago with a dip having occurred in between. I'm not confident that the recent snowfall averages are higher than in 1900. There aren't enough reliable records with comparable observation techniques outside of possibly a few urban areas, but snowfall seems to have been higher then too. Although snowfall 125 years ago was roughly similar to now, it was definitely colder then. Average snowfall over the past couple of decades has definitely been more than it was a half century ago. It's unclear if the lower snowfall years of particularly the 70s and 80s were random or part of a cycle that was separate from (or overlayed with) general climate change. The same could be argued about the recent spike in snowfall although the CC relationship seems more compelling now. So, are the feast or famine winters going to continue, or will there be more famine?
  10. I haven't heard any discussion about the construction of the dams that failed yet.
  11. Smithtown temps for Wednesday August 2. Low 60 High 79 Deep Blue Skies. Good stuff! Current/1am temp is 61 (Thursday 8/3)
  12. Thundering here. We're right on the south edge of a storm that popped up on the maritime boundary right ove Smithtown bay.
  13. 64/87 split here on Sunday. A light shower is in progress now.
  14. Where has today been all summer? FYI, we only had a trace of rainfall on Friday.
  15. 0.45" out of that total fell in less than 20 minutes shortly after 9am yesterday (Friday morning). Meanwhile, sun is back out here at 3pm (still with some enhanced looking cumulus around) and temperature is up to 83, which is the high for the day so far. Wouldn't be so bad if the air wasn't so soupy.
  16. Moderate shower here now along the seabreeze front. We've had some rain over the past week (0.60") but not excessive like on the mainland.
  17. That came and went very fast. Not a drop here, but my wife and son were in Commack and said it poured on them. Looks like it was the only shower in hundreds of miles.
  18. 0.72" from that cell here. Found the old milk crate we put recyclables washed down the street (was already empty, fortunately). The rainfall total from the prior 3 days was only 0.20", mostly at night. I just missed it all while driving back from Westchester County, but the traffic still sucked on the dry roads in the Bronx and Queens.
  19. This is nasty. On the flip side, it's really cool to see on satellite images how the smoke is suppressing convection.
  20. 0.03" rain from a shower here around 10 am, and another 0.03" here combined from two showers this afternoon. We're really raking in the rainfall. Lot's of long rolling thunder from that cell to our west earlier (the first of this afternoons two trivial rain showers) and that red sun is whacky!
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