There are a lot of ga posters too (we just don’t usually get to post about exciting we as much since until recently we weren’t having anything to post about lol). It’s pouring here snd 43 and the water is already filling up in the ditches. This has been some wild weather the last week or so.
It’s down to flurries here now. What a storm though lol. This was by far one of the best the last couple of years at least. And it was during the day and a lot of us saw snow. The total here is 5.25” unbelievable!
Hopefully you will see some soon - I go there quite a bit for work. I am about 20-30 min to your west
snowdawg in clayton should do great with this storm
Well my phone just off for a weather advisory. Hoping the trends continue on this one - even an inch at this point would be a win lol. It’s 36 and cloudy right now
Well I am watching. Most snows here, at least, are not modeled or forecasted a week in advance. They pop up a day or two away or come out of the blue. Fingers are crossed lol
It is still pouring - with on and off thunder all day. Right about 5” so far. The ditches on both side of the roads overflowing onto the roads. Like driving in a creek lol