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Everything posted by NEGa

  1. Hey was wondering where you’ve been lol. I think this is similar to last feb 5 or so when we had one pop up and give a good 5” snowfall. The storms way out on the models are just too unreliable and waffle too much then disappear. It’s the pop up ones that seem to do pretty well in n ga. I am not too surprised to see the sleet and/or rain mixing in. It’s pretty common imby at least. But it looks like could be a decent couple of hours of snow at least.
  2. I love these storms that just sort of pop up. When they do they trend better which is so much more fun than having to watch the 7 day storm fizzle lol it is certainly looking pretty good for a lot of us to see some snow this weekend. Obviously it would be better not to have a change over but a majority of the decent storms in this area usually do, esp with this type of set up. Even slashing the numbers by a half to a third still gives ne ga a couple of inches. I just hope this one can hang in there
  3. 33.8 and wet this morning. Sigh - was hoping to see maybe a dusting but we couldn’t even do that lol. Looks like a lot of us were just s few degrees too warm. Nothing like waking up to nothing under a winter storm warning or advisory (although I guess I should be used to it by now). Congrats to those who saw at least a little snow this morning. At this point not really buying and ULL precip here. Good luck to y’all in the Carolinas
  4. Don’t worry you will more than make up for it later lol. You are in a great spot in Rabun. There’s a slush on the deck now but it looks like it’s still a mix
  5. Sadly no where near freezing lol. Is no 36. It’s probably 60/40 snow/rain. Nickel size flakes
  6. Same here. I am the county south of Rabun. Some models giving us some snow some are just cold rAin. Guess I am on the line with this one sigh. side note it is 37 with a rain/snow mix falling. Started about 20 -30 min ago as I was headed home
  7. That’s for sure. Sadly for this one I am on the wrong side lol. Still optimistic mby sees some flakes. The different models are almost splitting counties in half. A difference of 20 miles makes a huge difference with the track
  8. Glad you got to see some flakes. Didn't see anything definitive here so went to bed. Looked out around 4 AMish and thought there was a light glaze but when I got up was raining and 34 ugh lol. I didn't expect must this time, but with a CAD there is always a little hope
  9. Yes it is and now they go up through sw Virginia lol. It’s been raining here all day so the winds could be interesting. It’s hard to believe e it just made landfall in Louisiana and will be within 10 hours or so that thing will be booking it
  10. Wow it sure is quiet here with the pending storm lol. The tropical storm and flood watches have been extended a bit in ga - looks like a fast mover but a couple of hours or some wild weather. Parts of ga look to be in action during the morning rush hour.
  11. I was a bit too. I thought at least 4” here and since it’s been pretty boring wx lately it was nice to have at least something. It’s over here - just cloudy with drizzle. Will check when I get home but pretty sure I topped 3” but not much more.
  12. 2.9” so far and still counting lol
  13. Wow that really surprises me - and sucks. I thought for sure you would get at least 2”.
  14. About 1/2 here - flakes aren’t huge anymore but it’s still coming down pretty good. 31 now
  15. All snow here now and coming down. Pretty hard. Nickel and quarter size flakes woo hoo
  16. About 50/50 snow-sleet here. Just got home and it is 32 here. Ground is getting white now
  17. Some pretty flakes starting to mix in here finally - the temp is down to 35
  18. changing over to sleet here - still 38 though. appears more sleet than rain at least lol
  19. hopefully you see snow soon. you are about 600' higher than me so you will get it first (also you are about 25 miles farther north lol). I am at work in clarkesville and its just rain here - I hope to see some flakes later at home when I get there
  20. wow - several people I know have just been busted lol. they claimed they had to leave because it was snowing hard in clayton. you confirmed it is not and I spoke with an office up there and they were complaining it wasn't snowing. its raining and still 38 here.
  21. are you getting snow right now? I in Habersham and multiple people have said it was snowing pretty good in clayton now here it is raining and 38 lol
  22. Colder air seems to be filtering in now. Dew point was 43 around 6pm and it’s now 35. Sadly the rain/snow line is showing up literally over mby ugh
  23. 2.5” imby. Foggy and light rain
  24. Me too lol. I would rather have any amount of rain over another drought.
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