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Everything posted by NEGa

  1. Decent returns but nothing is making it to ground here unfortunately
  2. No snow sigh. It’s 36 and raining. The wind is howling. Lost power about 20 min ago, along with most of the town
  3. It’s 31 with light snow here. The ground is getting white
  4. Bottomed out at 5 degrees. It’s been a while since it was this cold here lol
  5. Wow so we are all pretty much snowed under and we have another one to track? Best winter in several years lol. It’s hard to think a on other southern storm may be on the way all in all the models for this past storm we’re not that bad for mby. I ended up with a bit more than I thought and we fell into the range that was being discussed on Thursday.
  6. This was one of the best storms for mby I several years. It’s still 29 and nothing has melted. Sorta of wondering if I can get to work tomorrow. There is still about 6” of snow and ice on the driveway. It’s gorgeous outside.
  7. That band in ne ga is putting out moderate snow. Picked up about another inch
  8. Frz rain and 28. You can hear the ice in the trees
  9. Changed over to sleet here. About 4.5 was the total when it flipped
  10. That just moved through here. It was all heavy snow. Get ready lol
  11. There’s already 2” here. 30 degrees and snowing like crazy lol
  12. 1” and it’s starting to blow off the roof lol
  13. Lol that’s for sure. It looks like a bona fire snowstorm lol down to 30 now
  14. Nice! I thought about sleeping a bit but for once I am staying up lol. This could be a really good storm. its 31 here and almost an inch. The last couple of min the wind really seems to be picking up. Some surprisingly big gusts too.
  15. I know right, finally lol. It’s pouring here and about 3/4”
  16. It’s really coming down - around 1/2” on the deck. The flakes are a pretty decent size. They were really small when it started lol
  17. Ugh hope it changes soon. I was stuck at 35 for a while before it dropped pretty fast
  18. The temp has dropped to 32 with the steadier snow.
  19. The snow is really picking up here. The deck is starting to turn white.
  20. Hang on lilj hopefully you change soon. Starting to get a little ice on the deck. It’s picked up a bit
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