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About MrsH

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  1. With the holiday I've been pretty busy so I don't know if anyone has addressed this or not. I am in Washington County. This frigid weather is taking its toll on wildlife especially the birds. Wild birds are seeking refuge and warmth anywhere they can find it. I have so many Starlings hunkering down in my chicken coop that it brings to mind (if you're old enough) Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds". Likewise my kennel building and our barns. Sadly, we're finding dead and frozen Mourning Doves and Starlings in the barns. I am having to fill the bird feeders here three times a day. I am 72 years old and have NEVER seen anything like this, nor have I heard anything about it on the news stations. Anyone else experiencing anything like this?
  2. I'll take B. Age takes its toll on muscles and joints and my muscles and joints don't take cold too kindly these days!
  3. Snowing like crazy here near Bentleyville, PA!

    1. Mailman


      Awesome.  Hope it keeps up.

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