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Everything posted by jnis

  1. I do remember those snows you referenced. This high density snow is tough to shovel and I expect that is what I’ll see here in Damascus. I’m thinking 2-4” of heavy, dense snow when it’s done.
  2. Glad your here for obs! Let’s hope MoCo gets what we deserve! Lol you get to spend some quality time with your kids tomorrow.
  3. Have fun! I hiked back to a pond in the upper patuxent state park earlier. The snow had just started and was lightly coating the frozen pond. Winter in the parks is awesome.
  4. I’ll crawl out from under my rock to post an obs... 1” in Damascus.
  5. i was looking for something in my shed yesterday morning and saw my snow shovel cowering in a dark corner behind several gardening tools. I took pause, then hesitantly removed it from its hibernation....it seems happy in its new resting place by my back door.
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