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Everything posted by jnis

  1. It is often true that a persons greatest strength is also their greatest weakness.
  2. Steady zr here with a little sleet mixing in. An icy glaze is beginning to form.
  3. Got 4" here before the change over. 4" of snow is way better on the ground than on a snow map lol. All sleet and zr here now.
  4. Still all snow here. What I though was the changeover as depicted on radar has already passed over my area so I'm expecting sleet to commence any moment.
  5. Is the pressure change giving you a headache?
  6. About to crack open a bottle of Noah’s Mill... if any of you are bourbon drinkers and haven’t tried Noah’s, I highly recommend it. Cheers to everyone! Enjoy the rain and wind and stay safe.
  7. jnis

    COVID-19 Talk

    I too am a teacher and share your concerns. How would we run the lunch shifts? Class changes? Also if there were a resurgence of the virus within a school or cluster of schools, who will cover classes when the sub system gets overloaded. If we then fall back to closing schools, we will have to go through the whole start up of distance learning again. How would that affect parents who are now back at their jobs only to find that their kids will have to be home again? No easy answers for sure. For those of you who have kids at home, I realize that this distance learning is probably very difficult to manage if your child is not very independent, or is at an age where they need a lot of supervision. I can not speak for other school districts, but please know most teachers (hopefully all teachers, but I'm a realist) are working very hard to try to reach out to their students and create a learning experience that is meaningful. I am spending full days adapting materials, making videos, emailing students and parents, and attempting Zoom sessions. (Zooming with large groups of middle schoolers is tricky lol) I think it would be quite risky to open prematurely.
  8. Light sleet in Damascus. Quite the turn around from this morning’s sunny and spring like weather.
  9. The few snow pellets that collected on my patio table at around 7am sublimated away within minutes. It is definitely dry out there.
  10. Beautiful wintry scene here with about .75” on the grass with moderate snow. The road is just beginning to get some slush.
  11. It has been all snow in Damascus as well.
  12. .5” on grass and elevated surfaces in Damascus.
  13. Moderate snow in Damascus with a dusting on the grass and deck.
  14. I live in Damascus, but I would not want to commute to DC from here. I would say Clarksburg or Urbana might be a good bet.
  15. Looking at the radar, I would think in 2-3hr central MD will be greeting either rain or freezing rain. Currently very light zr
  16. Absent expectations, any event is a good event. 4.5” here with some drizzle beginning .
  17. Well, I shoveled my drive and cleared the cars, so it would figure if the sleet and freezing rain materialized.
  18. Over 3” here. The rates between 8:00 and 9:00 were insane. On average since the snow started the rate has been over 1” per hour
  19. Definitely best rates here since the Jan 16 a few years back. It out down an inch in 30 min
  20. Decent rates here with visibility under .2mi. Closing in on an inch.
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