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Everything posted by jnis

  1. Hi Stromchaserchuck1..., I appreciate your's, and everybody's analysis as we close in on a potential snow threat. You seem to be interpreting some the data differently then a lot of the other experienced and knowledgeable contributors. Could you please elaborate on the meteorology regarding your last two statements. I'm hoping to expand my meteorological knowledge. Thanks!
  2. Getting some flurries in North MoCo
  3. What a beautiful morning here in Damascus. It definitely dipped below freezing here. It looks like about two inches on my yard (800’). There is also quite a bit of snow on the road as well. I might have to shovel my driveway (it’s steep) so I can get to work.
  4. Light snow in Damascus at 38. No stickage, but it beats cold rain.
  5. This hobby is a more healthy form of gambling
  6. 8f in Damascus…I took a long “Jeb Walk”…so refreshing
  7. The rain has stopped here. The sky is brightening with a slight breeze.
  8. Been getting some on and off flurries here. Nice sized flakes
  9. Indeed! It’s nice to finally get some regular, old rain.
  10. Visibility is below .1mi here with about 2” on the ground.
  11. All snow in Damascus and the ground is beginning to whiten. That burst of sleet primed the ground nicely for the snow.
  12. Good morning…Sleeting in Damascus with some snow mixing in
  13. It’s very picturesque here with .4” inches of fresh snow. Currently 19f. I guess I should appreciate that I don’t have to shovel. I plan to take a long hike along the Patuxent River and soak up the beautiful winter scenery.
  14. Well we didn’t get to five, but it came down quick. I fell asleep watching the Dallas game lol so I missed noting when it changed to zr. I’m guessing we got 3.75 or so.
  15. Woke up to a little ice on the shrubs and patio. It’s not currently raining so I’m guessing it’s over for the zr.
  16. Hey, Good to hear from you. We were fortunate to be able to perform all of our regular venues outdoors with the tent set-ups. We squeezed a gig in last night :) I just finished clearing 4” of powder from my driveway- so much easier from the slop we dealt with last year.
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