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About jnis

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  • Location:
    Damascus, Md

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  1. 2” in Damascus edit: I’m just looking at what is in the patio, not a snowboard measurement
  2. Some nice mood flakes falling
  3. Lol… How’s it going? I have not measured, but closing in on 5” In guessing. Not much snow has fallen in Damascus since around 9am
  4. After 40m of pixie dust, there is about .25” in my patio- not one flake wasted! ☃️
  5. That’s awesome! It’s about time! I’m not sure how much rain fell in Damascus, but I’m guessing at least 3”.
  6. I’m glad there is rain hitting your area as well. It has been more like heavy rain with occasional periods of very light rain here.
  7. I didn’t see a NWS warning. I’m in the north side of Damascus.
  8. Damascus has been hit with waves of heavy rain. The yellows have been very heavy. I’m about 2 mi from the HoCo border.
  9. Waves of heavy rain have been training through.
  10. Interesting radar…it’s pouring on the northeast side of Damascus
  11. Perhaps he should be invited back to Americanwx
  12. It’s snowing lightly here. Even got a dusting in the ground.
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