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About EverythingisEverything

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    Virginia Beach

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  1. It just seems like, it happened so fast. I was trying to absorb the moment and then poof gone! lol. The snow is melting fast too!
  2. Thank you for all your input and historical data! This was a fun event to track!
  3. I havent measured yet,just waking up to let the dog out, but the snow has stop and this is the end result! Alot of snow on them cars.
  4. Heavy Snow In Va. Beach, Glenwood/Salem Woods area. 5.5 inches.
  5. We deserve it! Just kidding lol. We either get rained on here or sometimes the stars align and we get hammered.
  6. Awaiting the snow arrival here in VA. Beach. Businesses are pretty much either closed or closing early.
  7. It's hard to "Trust the Science". Feel bad for local TV Mets making forecasts. Within 24 hours the model can drastically cut totals, yet people have spent money to prepare for a significant storm.
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