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Everything posted by mcglups

  1. Definitely unsettling to know this individual is on the loose. Very possible that a robust strategy of next steps was orchestrated, but it is unfathomable to comprehend a long-term outlook.
  2. What are the chances that northern mountains turn on the guns next week? Just looking at Wildcat from Monday night onwards, a possible window to start, or way too soon?
  3. On the topic of "changes", this depiction of Grafton Maine has a telling sentence " Frosts came unfailingly in late June and mid-August, and were not unknown in July. The average summer temperature in the warmest month (July) was sixty-six degrees." https://www.bethelhistorical.org/legacy-site/Grafton,_Maine__A_Historical_Sketch.html
  4. Last season there was a couple of small snow events in the middle of November, some cold air, and then around the 22nd it was a good cold snap for a few days. The crew managed to open a top to bottom run (3 trails) and then 3 smaller trails on the west side of the mountain. Essentially it was a 2,000 vertical feet experience with a few options at the bottom. Good enough for me. bring it on!
  5. Robust wave train pulsing past 41044 that is about 1,300 miles SE of the SNE. https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/show_plot.php?station=41044&meas=spec&uom=E Meanwhile, barely any motion at 40149, that buoy will be rocking tomorrow! https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/show_plot.php?station=41049&meas=spec&uom=E Forerunners unloading near 20 second period on Sunday for SNE, here we go!
  6. 57 and feels great outside! Hoping for 2 days of dry weather coming up, as I'm painting tomorrow morning after the fog clears.
  7. definitely a smoke-filled experience in Coos County today, and especially around 6pm. Good to see the lift running at wildcat, the count down begins!
  8. Definitely a major system out there with T-numbers way up there for days!
  9. Looks like our season already started! https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/text/PNSNHC/2023/PNSNHC.202305111500.txt
  10. 42 and raw outside in northern New Hampshire. Nothing like a spring walk in the cold rain, ha!
  11. Ventured to Sugarloaf for Earth Day and was quite impressive by the amount of snow and quality of snow on the open terrain. The main quad was servicing a handful of excellent runs and to the left of it was a lift that went a bit higher and serviced some good stuff too. Crowds were minor but the quad had people on almost every chair, once I had a wait a minute! In the spirit of all things New England from north Berlin, I took the northern route around Umbagog through the plantations to Rangeley, Stratton, this was beautiful scenery, didn't see another car for 20 minutes. On the way back I went south through Kingfield and many nice little towns, equally majestic. The western mountains of Maine are solid and I saw a few people kayaking on the river!
  12. Mostly at the bottom of each trail, at the bottom of catapult it was like water skiing! Friday had more flow on the upper mountain, but today it was melting throughout. Sunday is the final day for Wildcat, and that'll be 40 days for my season, well worth $525. Itching to get into the next season events on my bike and into the ocean, but very grateful for how this winter turned out.
  13. Wildcat Spring Soup was fun yesterday but I definitely need to proper wax for my skis. Just about very person I talked to on Friday (season pass holders, folks who skied 50, 88, 101, 115 times this year) all had spring wax. Sounds like I need to make an micro investment in wax equipment!
  14. That sounds scary for sure. I'm in the midst of bear country and my neighbor gives me good advice and also things I didn't know. When bears get out of hibernation, they are nocturnal for several weeks so expect to see the from dusk to dawn, but then they become mostly diurnal all the way into the fall. Hope your heart rate recovers, breathe...
  15. I'll be there! I'm wearing ski pants for the morning session, who knows for the afternoon, perhaps a sweatshirt with jeans if I can make it that far.
  16. It was 94 around 5pm when I crossed the MA/NH line on Route 3 and a couple hours later it was 53 when cruising thru Franconia Notch. A pleasant 67 up here in Berlin and the local creek is gushing water, with clear skies and no wind, I can see the temperatures crashing to the upper 30's.
  17. Excellent day of skiing today at Wildcat, from the top the Atlantic Ocean was clearly visible, and the crowds were minor/non-existent and the snow softened up and was very enjoyable, just the lowest sections were getting slow/slush towards days end. I've never skied this time of year, and look forward to four more days to round out the season. I've never skied this much in a single season, I think it will be 37 days! Now the question is whether this builds enough momentum to purchase new skis now, or will I shift into the next sport, we shall see. Hope everyone who is still in the snow mode got some.
  18. Wildcat skied well this morning. Three inches of snow fell before they groomed last night and temperatures on the upper half did get a bit below freezing so there was a tiny crust on the groomed surfaces, while the lower half was just buttery soft. It rained a bit for first chair and then sprinkled for the next couple of hours. Probably 100 people at the mountain when I left at 1030, very enjoyable to make fresh turns on every run for two hours. Welcome to April!
  19. About 1+ inch of snow in Berlin upon arrival. Precipitation had snow in it from Concord northward and only through Franconia Notch were the roads covered. Nice winter season feel as the grayness went to darkness, but imagine on the way home on Sunday it will be bare except for the mountains. Wet ski tomorrow!
  20. Great morning at Wildcat. It was reported as four inches but felt more like six inches or more in some spots. With a groomed surface underneath and/or nothing too frozen, all the terrain skied well. I did a couple runs under the chair and some ungroomed terrain and both were fun. Very stoked to have March deliver so much winter goodness! The mountain has a ton of snow on it, three more weekends to go.
  21. another winter-like sunset walk around the river, it was nice. There is one inch of mostly snow, it has been falling from the sky since about 3pm, temperatures hovering near 30 degrees, wind almost moderate at all times and some strong gusts occasionally. (Wildcat skied reasonably well today, I actually enjoyed the ungroomed terrain into the afternoon as it had softened up and had less underlying frozenness)
  22. I'm in a similar boat, but a few years ago I made the decision that winter wave riding (November through April) wasn't in the cards for me anymore, as cold feet were inevitable and while manageable to an extent, it was the cold water in my ears that had a lasting negative impact. I made the move to get a weekend place up north (Coos County, NH) and then spend the week down south in Rhode Island. It will be interesting and fun this summer to have the option of either state for outdoor activities. Life is short and with health sending signals that life is short, I'm happy to have made this upgrade and enjoying each day as best I can. Looking forward to some firm, then soft then snowy Wildcat tomorrow and then some form of hike in the Nash Stream Forest Areas for sunset.
  23. Yes and no. Iong term infrastructure can be put in place when its integrated with maintenance and replacement of existing systems.
  24. Skied at Wildcat and it was firm throughout and rigid in some sections and some sections of slickness ice. All things considered it was New England typical, but surely much different than the conditions of the past month. I think todays sun, lower humidity, and dropping temperatures will make sunday morning better. Still great to get out there, so I'm grateful.
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