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About bigtenfan

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  1. Maybe it is just me but looking at the radar everything to our southwest seems to be moving almost due east. When is the precip going to turn NE?
  2. I got stuck in Brunswick Georgia back in 1989 for 3 days as I 95 was shut down. When we finally got moving it took 6 hours to go the 60 miles to Jacksonville. In the pre smart phone days the lack of a camera prevented me from getting a picture of the Welcome to Florida sign covered in snow and ice. Not only did they not have plows but they also could not use salt as it would get in the ground water .
  3. Dream shattered last night if only they had receivers that could catch a pass
  4. That OSU PSU final is getting closer and closer
  5. They are going to play a lot better than they played last night if they are going to win the Natty. They were sloppy last night and it was case of superior talent wearing down the opposition at the end. They will not have the same talent advantage against either Georgia or ND.
  6. Imagine the commissioner of the SEC sitting in his living room watching an PSU OSU final in the home town of his conference. I would love to be a fly on the wall to see that.
  7. Actually that is not true LC who was the TV met on I believe Chanel 17 sniffed this out a full week in advance
  8. For SE FL the GFS shows about 3-4 inches of rain over the next 5 days. We get that in an afternoon T storm sometimes.
  9. I don’t care if it produces 500 ACE as long as it stays OTS.
  10. After Katrina fit South Florida as a strengthening Cat 1 and did a lot of damage JB wrote that a strengthening Cat 1 storm can cause more damage than a weakening Cat 3 storm. He mentioned mixing of upper air winds down to the surface.
  11. As long as it stays in the middle of the ocean bothering no one but the fish and maybe shipping interest let it roll up all of the ACE numbers that it wants. Same goes for the wave coming off of Africa
  12. Question for those on the board more knowledgeable than I am. I see that the TS warning is extended all the way down the Florida east coast yet the TS Wind speed probabilities for MIA. FLL and WPB are only 7, 12 and 14% respectively. If the probabilities are that low why does the TS warning extend down that far? Thanks in advance.
  13. Most of us have been around long enough to know that an early season snow, say before Thanksgiving is the absolute kiss of death for the rest of the winter.
  14. Very little in the way of other model support for that run even from its own ensembles. The EPS also has very little support that I can see.
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