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About scoob40

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  1. CEF at 84 off an overnight low or 38.
  2. CEF rose from 42 at 7am to 62 at 8am.
  3. 86 here today in the lower valley. Been a great run for those heading to the West Side.
  4. LOL at the 87 at CEF whilst BDL and BAF are 90
  5. Makes sense. Local mets progging 65 here today.
  6. 7.8" here. Maybe an inch or 2 more during the day.
  7. Can't understand how KORE can be consistently be warmer than CEF. Only thing I can think of is their AWOS is biased low on their temps.
  8. 72/71 ATTM . 1.62" overnight at CEF. Hopefully OK for the Fireworks tonight in the city.
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