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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. THE MOST Predictable Crap ever. A Tropical Storm is headed towards Southern New England from the South on a direct line vs. a Curve. The Models say Cape Cod or RI. WIthin 2 days, it's Heading straight for NYC, and by the time it gets here, even West of NYC. SO PREDICTABLE. And I Told ALL my friends about this, and told All my NYC friends to watch out Wednesday. And here we are. Once again - General History of CLIMO, is More important than the Models. Just like RI losing out to Every Snowstorms Jackpot no matter What.
  2. Did we Break Any Low Maximums Today It truly would be Astounding after last week in this country.
  3. Non-Stop Lightning, Incredible stuff, for a long time, and as heavy rain as you’ll ever see. But after driving all over, there is Zero damage. Very lucky.
  4. This is Terrible. I don’t know How you guys make jokes out of it. There are enough things we poke loads of fun at. This is not one that needs to be at All.
  5. Ya I am NOT liking this radar. Waiting for a Tornado Warning to come out.
  6. This is SO FREAKING WRONG on SO MANY F****** Levels. Holy Crap I'm screaming at my Screen. That's pictures from EXTREMELY LIBERAL CITIES! And Garrett Richards Interview after the Last Start was THE MOST Disgusting Interview in Sports History. Don't get me started. Felger and Mazz nailed it, and didn't hammer it enough.
  7. OH My GOD!! James is GONE!? That is So touching to All of us to see "Our Weather Man". Us Air Force. A Massive Salute to you Sir James. I can't get over "Our Weather Man". Wow. This is terrible. What happened??
  8. Man. You guys are going to have a Lot to say when I get my Capitalism Talk out. I’m a Severe fan of Capitalism, and think ANY HINT of Socialism and Regulation is an Utter disaster, making for a worthless, excuse making, lazy society. Including the Minimum Wage which is asinine that it exists. The Free Market in a civilized society fixes everything on its own with zero regulation. Didn’t realize many on here were fans of socialist “Help” people out by unfairly taking from other people ideals.
  9. I just sent in my reports from Wales, MA (10.5") and Union, CT (12") since the NWS doesn't have ANYTHING like it. Also can't believe an 1.5" difference in 5 minutes of driving. But it's Hilly in that area!
  10. Also: I think the NWS is getting a pass, even though I promote them to everyone I know like they were Family. This was a SNEAKY All-Time Top 10 Worst Performance. Because it's April, we give them a pass..... but..... I mean where people got 12"... they had Only 10% Chance of getting 1"-2" at Most!!
  11. That would have been Funny N of the Pike if I DID come with you, and I played Accordion walking up to the door where the Naked Man greeted you with No Wifi. TREMENDOUS Job picking a spot though! 17"?? Like.... a Jackpot maybe?
  12. I have no time. Have to go back and teach a lesson. And AGAIN, like with Will. TELL me then. We need a thread for tips on roads in areas and special spots in New England.
  13. I don’t know where that is! Tell me sometime. Wales, MA - GORGOUS btw. The Smell of Fire Burning. Old New England. 9”-10” Compact. So 12” total possible. But just Mike’sf from here, it was 4”
  14. I can NOT believe this: The Monson, MA F3 Tornado? Damage 8 years later All across Route 20... CLEAR AS DAY!! Wow!
  15. To account for 6” to 1” and glop? I’m heading west on the Mass Pike near 84. It’s raining, wet, barely Any snow even on the side of the highway.
  16. I’ll be in WALES, MA in 40 Minutes!! The Snow Measuring Police are on their Way! #TheSnowman
  17. I’m in the Southern part of Worcester the city, and it’s Raining with Barely in Inch on the dirt. HOW DO YOU Will have 6”?
  18. Well this sucks. Only got 0.5” at Most and then melted away. ANOTHER Disgrace of a snowstorm in NE RI. Even Western RI is doing well. Time to do a weenie drive at 2pm.
  19. There was 30 minutes there of Epicness with Massive Flakes. 0.5” after No Snow in April. Is it coming back out that was it??
  20. Washington! Know it well as Accordion Legend Steve Dominko Lived There. Tiiiiiny tiny town.
  21. All that map says to me is...... TUG HILL PLATEAU BABY! Also, in Total I average 50” here. So that line is way North. And Burrilleville, RI Averages at Least 10”-12” more a season than me.
  22. Still probably better than 48" lol. Though I have somehow Meh'd my way to 8th Best February in the Great Snow Era (1992-1993 Onward). And a few inches from 6th. So that's not bad for 29 years. On a Much Grander Topic - I've now averaged 49" in the past 6 Winters. That's almost in Perfect alignment with 1991-1992 on back to the beginning of recorded data in the 1800's of 48". Where the 1992-1993 to 2014-2015 Average was a giant leap to 62". Is it Simply that.... We are now OUT of the "Great Snow Era"? And Back to the old average? BUT: My 5 year period of 1997-1998 to 2001-2002 Average was a horrible 34". And my 6 year period of 2006-2007 to 2011-2012 Average was an OK 53.5", but it included 2 of the Worst 3 Winters of my life. So is THIS.... just another 6 year Crappy Off Period INSIDE of the still continuing Great Snow Era? And 2021-2022 to 2024-2025 will be Awesome with Records broken? Followed by 5/6 years or Worse crap than 1997-1998 to 2001-2002?
  23. In What Universe, Whaaaaaaat universe, is Taunton Ahead of me in Late February in a year where the standard usual NW of me is ahead of me is at play. Jeez.
  24. “It’s nothing more than an aggressive baroclinic knot with subtending gradient whisking by at ludicrous speed.” Tip is the TS Eliot of Weather. What a poet!
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