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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. There is NO F-ing Way Foxboro has 10”. I’m on the Same SE/NW line as you and have had snow longer by radar, and I have 5” and am 12 minutes down I-95 from you.
  2. Wait wait, 6 Hours ago EVERYONE was saying it’s a Bust!! What the heck Happened!?!? HOW could it turn around SO fast?? This is shades of 12/13/07 (even though that was a R/S Line surprise). Except I have 4”. So what’s the Fuss?
  3. Here we go again. Same Old Story. A Storm Starts Out to Sea where NW of me is out of the game, Then I’m forecast to be in the Jackpot, THEN the day of the storm / Nowcasting, The Jackpot moves to NW of me. It’s happened oh 15,748 times.
  4. Yup. Only missed the Sun once in my life, 2005/6 or so when we had cloud cover for 9 days. Me and Sun don’t get along in Any Capacity at all. ESPECIALLY melting Snow. Hence the damned “Why does Cory Always wear Sunglasses “
  5. We call it “The Buzzsaw Storm” as the radar was the most perfect buzzsaw we’ve seen. AND I WAS IN LOS ANGELES
  6. As ALWAYS, this board talks in Riddles and Expects people to know what in Jesus you are saying…. “Come north to WRJ area mile marker 70.” What in TARNATION is WRJ???? And how would I know if it’s Snowing where the little Marker 70 is? And do you mean Mille Marker 70? Moose Marker 70? Is it a big green state sign? Is it a little yellow one?
  7. Conway is WAY way out of the way. Need to end in Boston. I was thinking to go to Wilmington. But do we have Any confirmation that Wilmington has at Least 3”? Cause if not, it’s not worth it.
  8. I've Just gotten to Brattleboro, Vermont!!!! Showing my friend from AZ what Snow is like, and my First Snowfall. I picked Brattleboro thinking FOR SURE they would have 2” by now, but it was RAIN almost ALL the way up from Newport, RI. So I’ve barely seen snow at all. JUST changed to Snow 5 minutes after crossing the VT line on 91. Only 0.75" here. And what is falling I can only call a Razor Blade mix of Sleet and Snow that Hurts!
  9. Only us Snow Weenie Nerds could notice this detail.
  10. “EWR reported 3.24" in 1 hour.” Wait wait wait wait… just DAYS ago, when Henri came in, NYC broke its ALL-TIME1 Hour Rational Total…. Of 1.74” or so. THIS is almost DOUBLE that!!
  11. I can’t Believe he Quit this thread is right now. This is THE Most Covered thread on the Internet during these times. It’s been incredible the past 24 hours, with Major Congratulations to everyone here, because the news that is spread here can Absolutely Save Lives. But it’s Quiet all of a sudden. No Important posts in 33 minutes.
  12. So since we are the initial Post-Mortum of the storm, WHAT Model / Model Run, nailed this? In terms of track, and interms of QPF, and in terms of the placement of the QPF?
  13. Holy Crap!! We got Video of it!! Crazy to have a Tornado This late in the storm!
  14. So since we are the initial Post-Mortum of the storm, WHAT Model / Model Run, nailed this? In terms of track, and in terms of QPF, and in terms of the placement of the QPF?
  15. MET JIM CANTORE!! He said "This is NOTHING like Sandy" Then I said "Jim. December. 1996." And he goes "Worcester!!!!" And then PROCEEDS TO GO OVER EVERY SINGLE TIME HE'S HEARD THUNDERSNOW in his Life!! Total Weenie!!
  16. Constantly 60mph+ here!! Craziest Wind I’ve ever seen, Craziest Waves I’ve Ever seen!!
  17. Taking with Paul Kocin of course now! Trying to find Jim here at the Coast Guard.
  18. As in to try and Hype the storm up more because the storm itself isn’t doing the hype Justice? And I can’t believe he isn’t Live right Now with the Worst of it!! He should be on TV Right Now so you can find him, isn’t that there point?
  19. If Anyone can tell me where Jim Cantore is Exactly, I could get an EPIC video of me Playing with him.
  20. Heading to Point Judith now. When else in my life will I be able to go through a Landfalling Tropical System!!
  21. What!? An All-Time Hourly Record!? And that’s just from a long tail outfront of the storm. WOW. Central Park received 1.94” of rain in the last hour. That set a new hourly #record. The old record was 1.76”, which was set on September 8, 2004.
  22. I can NOT get over the 11pm Map. DIRECT Hit, Worst Possible Scenario Track for RI; Eye going Straight Up the West of RI, and the Water gets Pushed up Narragansett Bay on the Right Side eyewall. And I CAN NOT get over How there isn’tan Ounce of Wind Tonight. Not a Cloud in the Sky. Complete with a Full Moon. Just the most Perfect Night. And This is coming?
  23. WHY, Why does everyone think that was a Meltdown? Goes to door how No One understands how I type to my personality. A. I DO NOT want a Tropical System. They take down trees. Good riddance to it. Only good thing is I can go find out find & play for Jim Cantore & maybe get on air. B. It was an Affirmation of my Correct Prediction whichI told all my friends asking, that it would end up Well West of where all models had it Wednesday. It was a VICTORY LAP, not a Meltdown. Jeez.
  24. ALSO - Grace being Forecasted as a Cat 1 a day ago for landfall. OF COURSE you knew it would be a Cat 2 or 3. Happens EVERY TIME. Michael being a Cat 5 at landfall being the Most Dangerous example. But they always underdo it.
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