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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. That, is what I Absolutely am NOT coming home for. I would absolutely Lose My Mind.
  2. RAY! This is 8 Hours Old! 8! From the NATIONAL, WEATHER, SERVICE. Are you REALLY telling me, that they say I’m getting 0, and NOW I’m getting 20”?????? Come On.
  4. BAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!! Even The High End 1 in 10 Map is a Freaking Disastah! Doesn’t everyone know, when a Winters trend THIS bad for 4 1/2 Straight Months of screwing everything Possible, it Continues to do so. That’s the Law 99% of the time. In the same way 1995-1996, 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2014-2015 you Couldn’t get screwed if you Tried. The Trend is your friend….. unless it’s not. And 2022-2023…. Is One of those NOT Years.
  5. We now have THREE MODELS Showing an IMPOSSIBLE Set of 26”-34” for Worcester, and 1” for Me!!!! This storm can Honestly F*** Itself in the ULL!!
  6. “A blend of the GFS & EURO is good.” OOOHHHHHHH, you mean 3”, and 3”? OK. So 3”. Or my 1” on the Canadian or None on German.
  7. I’m sorry, I’m not a Polka fan at all, but This is a BURNER!! Total Banger. back to our Regularly Scheduled Program of finding Models That Give You the Jack, Sponsored By, Preparation H.
  8. Of All the Model Runs I’ve seen in this storm, AND storms across 2 decades of chasing them, THIS is the #1 Most Devastating. And Why I can’t fly back tomorrow night. There are still WAY too many runs by different models giving me 1-3, where even NW RI gets 12-15, and just outside 15-25. I’ll Burn Accordions if anything Remotely like that (Worse than 12/25/02) verifies.
  9. You guys are cute. OMG!! CRUSHER!! It’s a KU!! DAMAGE!! PERFECT RUN!! Final Output: 10” Ray Call: 10” This winter has really Really Screwed with you guys. ONLY Ever use those words for Widespread 24”-40” Storms like 1996, 1997, 2005, 2013, and 2015. Not a Moderate R/S infected storm.
  10. As I sit here, the plane Still being iced at my Connection in MDW, waiting on a 3.5 hour flight to start. I won’t be at my hotel until 5:30am EST at this rate.
  11. The ONLY area it improved, was for where you are getting NE Mass into the Pink.
  12. Why is everyone so excited? It’s still all Total Crap for RI.
  13. If This Occurred, EVEN if I didn’t come home, there are NOT Nearly Enough Pejorative Terms in the Dictionary for me to be spewing on this board. 15” in NW RI, around Boston, ORH, 2 Feet in NE CT, All of Western MA… 4” for me. Ohhh Lordy Lord Don’t let that happen. That’s December 25-26, 2002 Level Insanity.
  14. The 12z Euro is LITERALLY a Everyone have A Great Storm… but F*** Y** Rhode Island Map.
  15. You reallyyyy.... Really really don't get how this works.... do you? I can go see 10 feet of snow anytime. It's about having it WHERE you are from. In your backyard. I thought everyone on here had this mentality.
  16. Swipe Text is Atrocious. And I had no idea that the NWS gave that. Years ago the classic snowfall data, and it was SO west to access all of it. Now I can’t find S***. I’ll try what you said.
  17. Where in the WORLD did you find all the data to put up these numbers? That’s the kind of stuff I Love to do at night….. Really want to know….
  18. Don’t anyone DARE, DARE mention the Greatest Small Storm of all-time. Especially since I already Missed the 2 BEST Small Storms SINCE 12/09/05 of February 2017 and March 2018. I Ain’t missing Another. Edit: Oh Right! I caught the Buzzsaw late in January 2011, but Missed the Blizzard of 2011 2 weeks earlier, which was Also a More Power Punching Short Storm that dropped 20”+ in a short time. So the 3 Best since 12/09/05 I’ve Missed.
  19. I just woke up and it’s Already Ending? We Finally get an ACTUAL storm and it’s Midnight to 8am!? Are you KIDDING ME?? Really?? I usually wake up at 11, wake up now, it’s done. (2 minutes later looking at horses Much of out there) AND IT UNDERACHIEVED!? No…. No no No. I can’t with this winter. I can’t do it. Can’t F-ing do it. And I leave Thursday for a festival in AZ, watch something happen this weekend.
  20. How Much for Philly? (Sorry, trying to have fun in this, the S***iest Winter ever, where Seattle, Nantucket, and LA get more Snow)
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