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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. What The F*** dude. What's your issue? If I were President I'd jail people like that.
  2. In 130 Years of my data, only 19 Storms have dropped 20". 3 20" in March. I'm probably right near 20" now with a New band behind the death band. I don't know if I've ever been so depressed in my life. OH that's right..... 2 weeks ago when we lost 3 65 foot Spruce trees that made the property forever. So #1 and #2 within weeks. How fun. I'm ready to drown myself.
  3. You're Killllling me. I don't how I DON'T hit 20" in this. Never has a Human Being sat at a $500,000 Water Front house with a jetski This pissed off and This depressed. And remember guys, I spent $700 to come back 1 day early from Holland for the March 2017 DISASTER Blizzard and got 9".
  4. I may be a multiple World Champion at the accordion, but I can look at almost any picture of anything and tell you how much snow there is. Is it me or is the Death Band about to go December 9, 2005 on us as it pulls out?
  5. What the heck is that? 22" compact and 24" Total? Wooow. That's what I'd be expecting for anyone lucky enough to get in that band. Now Woonsocket, Home I always beat, reported 16" 20 minutes ago; BUT, there has been a random reporter the season from Woonsocket that's always too high. So I don't know. Praying I don't miss a Super rare 20"er cause I've clearly missed a Rare 15"er.
  6. Looks like 1-1.5 hours of the death band in RI and random stuff after unless that new Western sliver turns into something. Think I have 13.5"-14" Total, so 16"-18" maybe final? God that's right in the zone where I am going to be Half furious and half ok I missed this. 20" I'll lose my ****. I'm still fuming over missing the Blizzard of 2011 21" in 14 hours. I didnt miss any 2.5"+ Per Hour stuff I know yet. Ray had that 5" an hour band though!
  7. The Pivot WON'T BUDGE! i would be So pissed if I was home. Missed AGAIN by 20 miles. This is 2013 all over again (though that band will never be beaten, it was like 1/3 the size of CT with oranges for hours).
  8. If you live from New London, CT to Worcester, MA to Manchester, NH..... Congratuf***inglations! You won the "Where will the Death Band sit and pivot! I'm happy for SE CT as they always get screwed. But Worcester to Manchester ALWAYS gets it. We..... sit on the ocean in Big Pine Key and Accordion with Vernor's Ginger Ale.
  9. Annnnnd I'm in FL. And I NEVER lead the storm race. Ever. Heck I've never Won an event either. The double storms in January 2010 which I was NOT home for was the time I won (5" & 8" for 13").
  10. I got 14"!  You guessed it!  

  11. NAM dry slots me a couple of times through different phases of the storm. Yuck. Still 20" probably.
  12. I have not slept since Saturday night which was only five hours because of the craziest couple of days of my year at that convention so I really need to pace myself as I will now sleep until 2 AM or so. Why do I have ~2" in 10+ Hours? I always freak when the beginning of the storm give so little. Death band is Certainly there though.
  13. Kevin. Dude. What are you on? I'm usually the insane one. But man. Lol.
  14. Wow the 18z GFS is scary. Weird and Yuck. Has a super screw zone over like Foxboro. Mmmmmm.
  15. Jealous lol? Should have done like me and flown in lol. I'm at 495 and 95, and the light OES that is in the Boston area that isn't showing up in radar has switched to the Actual Blizzard of 2015 Snow.
  16. More Impactful than 2005? That was a Truly Historic storm. Amazing if it beats that. It certainly could from what the consensus is.
  17. So my pinpoint NWS forecast has 23"-37" predicted. IS THIS REAL LIFE?
  18. I would have killed myself if I didn't make it. Like Literally lol. It's snowing nicely here. At a friends house in Jamacia Plain right now. Went on the T with my bags and Flamed Accordion. Happy as Ever. My dad will be picking me up later to bring me to KCNM. You guys need to come sledding at CN Mountain this weekend!!!!
  19. Sitting on the runway in Ft. Lauderdale and getting scared. Waiting for a gate to go to. Flight leaves in n hour for Boston. More worried I will be Inbeween the Deformation Zone and the Coaltal Front.
  20. Guys - Wish me a Safe Flight. About to Leave LAX for aft. Lauderdale. Then leave there at 7am. Thanks for telling me to do this. I Love you guys. Truly. Euro is goooddddddd.
  21. The plane will be getting out of the gate in 10 minutes so I hope I can see some EURO Action.
  22. Don't Ever Fly Spirit. Had to fly them for this Historic Quest and Journey. $50 for a One way Bag check and $45 for a One way Carry On! OK - So: 2 Things as I get ready to board my flight from LAX. 1. WHAT do I look for when l I fly over the Baby Monster being birthed when I fly from AGT. Lauderdale to Boston (Couldn't get s reasonable flight to PVD)? I will have a better view of this storm than any of you, and for That, I am So Deeply honored. But I must be trained on What the heck to look for
  23. OK that's what it was then. How the H*ll do you remember this stuff Will? I mean I can remember every song I've ever heard, but you pull inSane stuff out of your head.
  24. But Will Models for 05 were pretty set at least a week before hand outside of the GFS. I know because a friend of mine who knew ABSOLUTELY Nothing about weather, told me 7 days prior, that a Big Blizzard was coming a week from then. I"ll never forget that. I asked him "how do you know something about a snowstorm that I don't?" to which he replied "I don't know, the weather guy was saying it, some big snowstorm next weekend....". Then the Blizzard of 2005 occurred, and I had 27" at my house. Whoever that Weather Guy was, was looking at models, and felt Confident enough to talk about it on TV.
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