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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. Is this Fujiwawa 2013 #2!? As far as the 24 hour Radar goes back (Love Weather.Cod), it's from THERE until 9 Hours later that NE Rhode Island gets almost no Snow. HOW does RI Snow Hole this happen?? Still I think I'm at 11" from my spotters back in Cumberland. But How, HOW DOES this Happen!! Look at that Radar! https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=BOX-N0Q-1-200
  2. 11” Total. The Worst Number. I need a Foot. NEED it for the Stats. Do we count this as 1 storm though? Like factually? 6.75”, Compacted to 2.5”, then 4.25” Part 2 = 11”, But its compacted to Under 6”. CLASSIC Storm where if you do not use the 6 Hour Rule you’d Never know what you have.
  3. PERFECT Storm Example of why people need to LEARN How to measure snow. I Barely have 3" in Cumberland, but my Total is 6.75" with a chance of hitting a foot by Storms end. - 2” from 4pm to 10pm - 4.25” from 10pm to Changeover to Rain - 0.5” since Changeover back to Snow. - Total = 6.75" - The 6 Hours of Rain overnight pushed 6.25" down to 2.75"/3". People would just wake up and measure that after going to bed with 2" on the ground and think they only got 1".
  4. Does anyone actually BELIEVE 4” an hour in Manchester?
  5. The only Ski area around here is Wachuuuuuusett right? Passing just North. Looks like a lot up T-Rex Footprint. Still Calm. Ray said a month ago “As soon as we hit December it looks good.” Well; he’s done it again.
  6. I just made a 5 second time lapse leaving Logan but the file is too big. Beautiful night. Flying over Will’s head now. HI WILL!!!! I’ll be you guys’ Personal Weather Ballon. Still Calm through 15,000 feet.
  7. Yes. Absolutely. Ray has insight into this as well.
  8. 2 N Rehoboth 25.7 800 AM 3/04 BUT but but, they TOOK OUT the Burrillville 17.0", and still haven't put mine in. OK what the hell? Now they Did tell me.... They have to Watch which towns they post and What amounts they post because Governments give certain treatment to towns based on amounts. This has to be it... because Providence County is a Mess now. And 25.7"?? What in Jesus please. How do they allow that? 16 year old working the data slip that in while playing games on his phone?
  9. I need to also respect the fact that this was the 13th Biggest Snowstorm during the Great Snow Era (1992-1993). Albeit I missed 2 of the 13. So it's the 11th biggest storm I've seen in my life.
  10. Spotter 05-313 Baby. And my Untouched Compact Total was 16.25”. And I sent them the picture of the snow with ruler when it was so and untouched when I had 17” Total. This storm hardly had compaction which was fun because you shoveled 16” vs. usual for 17” which would be 14.5/15 and you’d feel like you cheated. RIGHT up through 15.5” the compact total was only 0.5” behind.
  11. Diamond Hill is even over 600. But Tower Hill Rd. where Many houses are, are in the 450 range. And I cleared once of course. 6 hours in at 2:30. Had 6.5”. Had 10.5” after. Then a little after 8:30 from 3 hours of heavy mood snows with nothing on radar haha.
  12. I explained to them how Cumberland goes from Tons of roads and concrete at 100 to Trees and Seclution at 350. They didn’t realize it. I said “Where are these other 2 posters? This town has its own climate”. I’d post the picture but you can only post a 0.00003MB picture of lint.
  13. Really? You of Allllllllllllll people. I just Jackpotted a storm. I want the amount there. Not 30% less as posted not once but 2X.
  14. I just had a conversation with the NWS for 5 minutes about the fact they have not 1 but 2 amounts in Cumberland, and it's 12.5 and 13.5!!!!! They said they are going to look into everything with me because I called in during the night keeping up with the amounts. They're going to see about maybe making a 3rd Cumberland amount of my 17.2".
  15. 17.25” JACKPOT In 11 hours. 45” Season. It snowed 2.5 hours after my final 17”. 3.5” or better Rates lasted slightly Longer than February 7, 2003, but not 2 straight hours of 4” per hour. But more Snow (14” vs. 17.25”). 2 years in a row with March Quick Bombs. I want to Thank ORH Will for predicting when I was at 12, that I would hit 16-18.
  16. Been snowing for 2.5 hours Non-Stop after my 17" Final. Gotta give 17.25" Final.
  17. I’ll do a Water Equivalent Test. And that RPM that got Ray i trouble 2 days ago nailed it.
  18. Gonna need pictures from this Randolph Fellow. That’s pretty insane.
  19. Randolph, KCNM (Me), Scott, Burrillville = 17” Just Something Else. Where are you Scott?
  20. THE PICTURE IS BACK! I Refused after my $700 BLOW coming back from the Netherlands a day early in March of 2017. Going from a 24" Blizzard to 9" of Glop. I Left the board. But this.... this was off the charts.
  21. Going by what Ray just said who I trust. But as log as we're close within a 1/4 inch it's still a Jackpot yes?
  22. I have 16.75”, and will do lots of final checks to make sure. If I lose my First EVER Jackpot to a potential slant sticker I’ll be very angry. I’d post my pictures but again, only allow 0.05MB here
  23. Start - 8:30 5.25" - 2:30 6.5" - 2:50 8.25" - 3:20 10.25" - 3:50 12.25" - 4:20 14.25" - 4:50 15.5" - 5:20 (with 15" Depth, 18" Total Depth in March!) 16.25" - 5:50 (16" mark reached. Ray Eating Accordions Sacrifice is on) 16.5” - 6:20 (Still Snowing)
  24. For the First Time EVER I'm LEADING a Snowstorm on NWS BOX!!!! 16.25" or more, but I'm working on the video to send. It's almost done. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=BOX&product=PNS
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