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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. 3"! in 4 Hours!!!! Still Snowing Nicely. Most Snow This Late in the Season since the April 28/29 Blizzard where I got 12"+ (Wasn't Alive of course). This is a "Of the People" Snowstorm. Didn't really stick to roads, but Everything else yes. Just went out for a drive. FIRST Time I had Dear run out in front of Me! (I'm not up until Noon usually, that's why for one aspect). Will post pictures soon.
  2. Geez, is this thing not going to develop North off that line in middle CT? (As intense as it is) I mean it’ll be over in a few hours or less of That’s the case.....
  3. 0.25” Sticking Quick! And I have noticeably more snow than Attleboro of which I just came from.
  4. Going out for the drive. It’swet Flakes, but 100% Flakes.
  5. I need to be caught up on this joke.......
  6. Still ALL rain here, even though these models keep polluting out 6” for me.
  7. About to go on one of my Drives! Hopefully I can stay around here this time vs. going up to Will's House.
  8. Have you EVER Seen such a Perfect example of "When it's Great here, it's Sucking Somewhere else...". Boulder, CO.... RECORD Snowfall!! We've broken the seasonal snowfall record in Boulder! A whopping 151.2" of snow has fallen this season (as of 6 PM April 16). Here's the Top 5 since records began 1898. #COwx
  9. Do I in Cumberland at 350’ Honestly have a chance at 4”??
  10. WELL Done Ray! I went to that 5.8" region last night. There was only 3" left with the rain (So I MISSED the Snowfall), but to see 3" and Drift in the car was great.
  11. AHHHH!!!! My Mom keeps worrying about them being out because she got Lyme Disease, and I kept thinking they Can't be out THIS early. MY GOD!! Another Scary thing to think about!
  12. Well..... I thought props would be making fun of me for my Weenie Drive. Glad Not!
  13. Into Worcester on 190. Went from nothing on the road + maybe an inch on the side of the road to slush on the road in 2 miles. Then from Slush to Snow Covered from Just south of the city to 190 2 Tiny miles North!
  14. It’s 35° and POURING FREAKING RAIN!! The WORST Weather on Earth! Snow all Gone!! Never even Got to 1 Measley INCH!!!!!! Not 1!!
  15. Mega Flakes!! Well Flakes Chunks at that. 0.75” FIRST SIGHT OF SNOW AND ACCUMULATION THIS YEAR!! Took until March freaking 23rd!!
  16. Mega Flakes!! Well Flakes Chunks at that. 0.75” FIRST SIGHT OF SNOW AND ACCUMULATION THIS YEAR!! Took until March freaking 23rd!!
  17. My eyes are having trouble, but this is what I’m reading from the maps..... (And Rally?? 0.03MB allowed for a picture? 30KB? What is this 1997?)
  18. There's a Snowstorm Potential? All I see is High's in the 50's for a week. And I averaged 21" the last 3 March's. Do Remember guys - I HAVE NOT SEEN IT SNOW AND ACCUMULATE ON THE GROUND ONCE THIS WINTER!!!! I Repeat!! Have NOT Seen it Snow and Accumulate. ONCE!!
  19. This is right now #2 for THE KING for Worst Winter of All-Time. Beating even 2006-2007. 2011-2012 will never be matched because not only did we get Little Snow, OR that half the snow fell in October, but for God's sake we had MORE Tree damage from that than Every Hurricane in my lifetime. So I couldn't even enjoy the 1 storm, plus it melted so quickly since it was October, AND there were sticks and branches and trees all over it. That winter will Always be #1, unless we get a winter with a Total of Less than 10" with less than 3 storms.
  20. And the WORST Part............ I had the Most Snow in December since the 2010-2011 Season. 9 Years ago. And I missed it. Unreal.
  21. GREAT!!!! I've Been home since December 11th, seen TWO Storms.... Missed the 15" that fell before I was home in Ukraine.... BOTH Ice Storms... NO Snow.... with a Total of less than 0.5" of Wintry Precipitation..... NOW I leave TOMORORW, & STORMS ARE COMING.
  22. Wait... WHERE did you get this map? I LOVE it!
  23. December 3-5, 2003 was 22" for me over 44 Hours, which is similar to this storm, but that was 22" Total and it was still 20" compact. The first storm where I used my favorite shovel that I STILL use. I can still remember the piles! Vividly on that one! That was 5X better than this one.
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