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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. I was totally unaware of this, but let’s do it again asap. And if Course we should be doing Zooms or even Discords since we love typing / need pictures, as well. I could see the Entire platform for us moving there.
  2. I can’t believe this went from Snow from Zeta, are you Crazy? To - Yes Snow possible! Just some flurries though... To - Nope, the dream is gone last night. TO - 1”-3”!!!!
  3. The Post that has Brought me BACK to American for the first time for the 2020-2021 Season!! As I always say, a season with Any accumulating Snow in October, always Bodes well.
  4. 5th in History. and those pictures of Margret are Incredible! It was decided to be a 5 Post storm. This could be the same situation.
  5. Well I'll PRAY you RETHINK that and decline the idea. Especially if they're older and big. I'll never understand the cutting of trees. Back to the Hurricane.
  6. Well Holy Crap! It Backbuild So much that it’s now hitting me , 30 minutes after I thought it was way too late to Backbuild South. I mean the proper in Franklin must be going Nuts! Been a red Blob there an hour!
  7. Can someone explain the way these storms are moving? They aren’t really “Moving”; they are seemingly Attaching themselves to little bubbles and Blowing up, even blowing up to the West, FASTER than they can move East! It’s so So Stange! And there is Ocean Effect it seems on radar?? Looks like winter!
  8. That’s why I Love him! 0.01” even. Every night means something.
  9. Been working on projects and never even heard a drop let alone lightning and thunder. guess we got the UNDER on 2.5!
  10. Instead of 3 of you guys joking or giving 1 word responses, can you give a detailed Reasoning begins it? Especially the radar? As it’s obviously true that there was snow there. But the R/S Line was 100 miles North oh it.....
  11. Can someone PLEASE explain this Snow situation? My friend from the Hamptons just called up and said “It’s like 45 and it’s SHOWING!?” I look at the Radar, and the Rain / Snow Line is clearly NW Worcester..... EXCERPT, this Circular Section over the Hamptons that is a Blue Ball of Snow. WHAT IN THE HELL? But also, the “Snow” that’s stuck looked Much more like Hail, But Hail Only Congress in Thunderstorms? But it’s sleety? It snowed in True Flake Form after she took that picture as well I’m both confused by what the “Snow” actually is, and What is this Bay of cold air and hope How it happen? But again, sue said it was clearly warm when in the 40’s.
  12. But my Ultimate plan, of Meeting the Rain / Snow Line At my spot, and they drive back fine with the line in front of me and it Snowing all the way home? It's WORKING PERFECTLY! i Literally didn’t see snow until I got to my spot, and now it’s snowing all the way back to where I am 15 minutes back home on 146.
  13. GOT IT!! My plan worked! Went to my 2nd spot at 850, and Bam! As soon as I hit 800 feet! A couple of miles off of 146 on Exit 7. Thank You Google Train map . Hoping the rain snow line follows me back home. I THOUGHT the MOST crazed of you wouldn’t drive 45 minutes at 3am dirt some flakes!! I proved once again why I Earn My “The Snowman” Name! FIRST May Snow since the blizzard of 1987 in these parts, correct?
  14. Where is this “Weenie Ridge”?
  15. So do I drive out in 2 hours to southern Worcester Country from my Cumberland location? Or not worth it?
  16. Snow Haven! Mad River Glen. Where the Only professional sleds are Made! Damn I should be there sledding!
  17. So even THIS threat is almost gone? Jeez. I was even thinking if I got an inch here, this would make this jump 2 sports for the Worst Winter ever for me, since Snow in May is SO Historic. But NOPE!
  18. Terri me where you’re going and when and I’ll meet ya! Probably going to have to be 1am / 2am.
  19. Do I have a chance to see a few Flakes tonight?? (Other than myself and myself in a mirror)
  20. Wait wait. Hail counts as SNOW? Come on.... That’s BS. Even me, I have to call it BS.
  21. Pea Sized Hail!!!! Just Reported into the NWS Norton. Almost pea size I would say. North Cumberland, RI. People have switched Over to Snow!?
  22. Are we DONE?? Everyone thought we were 99% Done for Sure 3 weeks ago.
  23. Why would you Ever live in that toilet bowl if your a snow fan haha. Of the many things I hate about it, I always said IF there is Ever a Pandemic, that’s dirty place will be the hot spot.
  24. Got 3" in 4 Hours!! 2:30am - 6:30. 3.25” Total. Most Snow This late in the Season since the Major Snowstorm of April 28/29, 1987. 23.5" Season, 6th Worst All-Time. - #TheSnowman ☃️ #CPez North Cumberland, RI - KCNM
  25. Got 3" in 4 Hours!! 2:30am (Started fully accumulating) - 6:30am. Most Snow This late in the Season since the Major Snowstorm of April 28/29 1987. 23.5" Season, 6th Worst All-Time. 3.25" Total so far.
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