December 25-26, 2002 is still THE Worst and most disappointing storm of my life. I didn’t track storms then as a little kid so I didn’t know what was up so much. Was pounding Snow at Christmas dinner at the grandparents, we left and when I got to bed we had 4” of perfect powder. I then woke up to.........
4” of Mushy Glop. It must have gotten to 6”, and then changed over. Extreme Disappointment, with Worcester getting like 18”. THOUGH, that hardened and set a base that lasted in its Entirety through the rest of the winter, and certainly have the base for my Favorite Storm of a ll-time February 7, 2003.
I was JUST YESTERDAY watching videos from that month! The leftover of 12/25-26/02 before 2/7/03, then 2/7/03 and then PDII. Incredible winter that was. The first of my Tracking. 84”.