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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. How is it that the top amounts in SNE even with the GFS Finally coming north are now 10”-12”?? I thought of the track was right, you’d see the 20”-24” amounts? There no where.
  2. So Wait Wait Waiiiiit. The GFS gives me 6” because it’s so far South and Not amped I don’t get the storm. But now the NAM is So far North and Amped I get 6” from Dryslotting and Mixing??? But in between those are 18”-24” possibilities. So am I to be excited that the Blend of the 2 is perfect, OR that BOTH current models are telling me to prepare for a horrid storm? Meltdown has started early.
  3. The Blizzard Watch was the Coolest Color - Neon Green! But Blizzard Warnings are of COURSE my Favorite feeling in life. Being under that red. 00z NAM = LFG But it's the NAM.
  4. The 18z GFS gives me 3” The 18z NAM gives me 26” BUT NO NO we Don’t need any more money and Government Help for our Weather Models Noooooo.
  5. Wait Wait WAIT: Rosenthal is still around!?!? He was my Absolute Favorite!! Thought he went out West?
  6. I think having my own Emoji that I’ve talked about at conferences to show how awesome you guys are suffices for his answer lol
  7. Since 1992-1993. Since that season, we have existed in a New Snow Era for New England. MBY Alone has averaged 62”, after All previous data To 1992 was only 48”. That’s 30% more snow every year. And 12” storms average One a Year.
  8. Anything where 12” - 15” are the top amount is Moderate. 15”-24” is Major. 24”+ amounts all over is Historic. I thought that was all like, in stone. Sure is in my mind. And 8”-12” I Barely want to call Moderate.
  9. Wow. Where did the 20”+ go on the NAM? This thing is trending into a moderate event after ALLLLLLL this hype.
  10. Will and I up at 4am?? I'm recording stuff so that's normal. You Guys? haha Love It. That'll be me Tuesday Night.
  11. Been working on it cleaning it Last 2 Weeks! Waiting for you All to come over!
  12. Yup. We’ve been screwed since the 2013 Fujiwawa, outside of my Jackpot in 2018.
  13. With you believe in my 20 year career of music I NEVER knew about You UpStage and DownStage?
  14. December 25-26, 2002 is still THE Worst and most disappointing storm of my life. I didn’t track storms then as a little kid so I didn’t know what was up so much. Was pounding Snow at Christmas dinner at the grandparents, we left and when I got to bed we had 4” of perfect powder. I then woke up to......... 4” of Mushy Glop. It must have gotten to 6”, and then changed over. Extreme Disappointment, with Worcester getting like 18”. THOUGH, that hardened and set a base that lasted in its Entirety through the rest of the winter, and certainly have the base for my Favorite Storm of a ll-time February 7, 2003. I was JUST YESTERDAY watching videos from that month! The leftover of 12/25-26/02 before 2/7/03, then 2/7/03 and then PDII. Incredible winter that was. The first of my Tracking. 84”.
  15. It just blew up, seems like the storm going to vanish in an hour. That’s very odd. the 3-4” in 2 hours message is making me fully LOL at least.
  16. Just got home as the commahead has not really panned out like it seemed it would, and BOY am I EVER glad I went driving today. Example: Wrentham, MA, just 5 minutes up the road to the NE = Winter Wonderland. 3”-4”, Perfect Snow. Here: 1.5” on SOME surfaces, Many surfaces have 0”.
  17. From Worcester, I’m now to the 95/495 junction. Should I stay put here for the commahead, or keep going East, Or Go North on 495?
  18. Going by this on where that Should pivot I am aborting Worcester and heading to Framingham area.
  19. And HOLY CRAP! Just broke the Record for the Most Painful snow when you stick your hands out the window I’ve ever felt. Must be Tons of Ice.
  20. Where should I drive to?? I want to get in the comma head for Sure (which may come here but I don't want to chance it), but I'm thinking ORH airport itself. I’m driving up 146 now, and JUST had the changeover in Uxbridge. Was immediate, as it’s ALL Rain Southeast off here.
  21. OMG, look at the cons head forming from Bridgeport, CT curling down.
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