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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. Dendrite thought he wasn’t getting an Inch 3 days ago, and NOW breaks his Record Total, and Would be #6 for me, probably end up at #3. If I thought I wasn’t getting Any Snow and 3 days later got #3, I would be running naked.
  2. Best Rates for Binghamton. 6” in 55 Minutes. 18.5” in 3:25. For a Normal Storm of No Lake Effect.... 6” an hour is almost Unheard of. But for someone Then to Catch that.... for over 3 hours?? And in a place that thought they would Totally Miss the storm 100 miles too far north a few days ago? This is an all-timer. 17 Hours = 42”.
  3. 10” Compact, 11.5” Total. Shows just How crappy and sleety the snow was last night to have such a uniform 10” but 11.5 total. Past 5 Hours...... 2.5”. Putrid. Meanwhile half the board North and West of me has 20” and still getting killed. But can’t complain as much s that Historic subby zone. But they probably already have 12” while I catch up, but this little rounded band may not last.
  4. Dendrites are GONE. Sleety Snow. I thought there was NO Question for me here to be in great fluffy snow?? I thought for Days we were worried the storm was OTS?? Now 300 miles to my NW gets 30”. OTS my A**. 1.5” in 1.5 hours. 8.5” Compact, 9” Total. Dry Slot trying to come from my SW. What else is new in RI. I’m done with this storm, Off to Bed. I’ll Wake up when I wake up.
  5. I’m not skeptical of the Binghamton Band, I’m skeptical of 4” an hour on my Eastern SNE neck of the woods / in Boston when I’ve been under the same bands and haven’t cracked 2.5” per hour rates even across a 20 minute span at 350’ in the woods.
  6. I’ve got 7.5” in 6 Hours. 8pm: Start 10:15pm: 1” 11:15: 2” 12:15: 3” 1:15: 5.5” 2:15: 7.5” And I’ve been under tremendous yellow bands 3 times now. So understand my skepticism.
  7. I got it for 1 hour in the Blizzard of 2005, and 3” in a 45 minute Show Squall. That’s it. I mean I’ve only seen 3” per hour maybe 6 times.
  8. No one is getting 6” in an hour. I’ve only seen 4” an hour twice in my Entire Life.
  9. Damn! I was going to bed, but that band might be Worth seeing! Maybe a lull after, it’s slowing and thickening and it comes into me. Edit: That’s what She Said.
  10. I just done with 6 Joe’s Of Trails Cleaning, a 2 Hour Lesson, and Giving a 2 Hour Masterclass... And THIS is the 1st map I see? 9? Oh lord. heading to bed, will be up at 1:30.
  11. Always Measure every 6 hours. It’s being fair to the snow. Not doing so is simply Unfair to the snow with compaction.
  12. YOU LIKE THAT!?!?!? YOU LIKE THAT!?!?!?!?!? (I promise to never quote Kirk Cousins again)
  13. That screw zone over Worcester County & Northern RI is giving me Fujiwawa 2013 PTSD.
  14. The Hype around snowstorms are so laughable now. A general 10-18 / 12-20 type storm would be considered “A pretty big snowstorm” when I was a kid. Now the news and especially National News is “A Dangerous Life-Threatening Storm”. Hide the Kids! Put them in bubble wrap, for God’s Sake Save the Children! Buy Groceries because the stores will Never Operate again! What happened to people. Find your damn ballsacks from pre-1960 and reattach. (Not you guys)
  15. OK... HOW does one get to this page? I’ve always always Always wanted to see this. Sometimes I honestly want to take 10 screenshots in Paint and painstakingly put them together. Also: Why an I screwed by 5 miles to be put in the 12-18?
  16. I've NEVER seen someone talk Positively of my town haha. Especially for being #2 Jackpot. It may have been years ago, but outside of my Only Jackpot in March of Last Year, I usually do about 8th best in RI for Towns. Even though it seems to be East in many storms is best, with elevation and fully as North as you can go. I DO like it for this storm. As long as the 3K NAM doesn't come to pass.
  17. Looking at JUST how bad this stretch has been, and Why I need a big total so bad: Since the Epic Eeeeepic storm I missed and almost booked a flight and left the Florida Keys for in March 2018 (which would have caused a break up and I didn’t care, and should have), I also last year missed the December 11” as I was in Ukraine (searching for Hunter Biden and playing accordion concerts), means the ONLY 10” storm I’ve seen in 33 Months since the 14.25" storm in January 2018, was the sole Jackpot of my Life in March 2019 which Will reneges cause I called him all night in elation.
  18. 32KM NAM was Gooorgous. HRRR makes the mix line go into MA oddly enough.
  19. I Just Spit Out my Peppermint Mocha Swirl with 1 Almond Milk Cream and 1 Sugar and I wasn't even Drinking Any.
  20. Thanks! So it's just a More NAMMY NAM. Too Far North, and Too Much Precip. BTW - Don't know who is watching the 32KM NAM, it's more South. Still very tucked.
  21. Why is it no one ever answers my questions on here, but will post something funny about me. I guess that's what I get for being an Accordion Playing Weenie.
  22. Can someone explain why the 3K NAM is SOOOOO Far NW from all else?
  23. The Hour 31 NAM radar has the Bluest Blob RIGHT over me!
  24. NWS Point and Click - 7" - 15" NWS Forcast - 8" - 12" NWS Map - 8" - 12" ABC 6 - 8" - 12" WPRI - 8" - 12" NBC 10 - 8" - 12" Very Early to be posting since it feels like the storm is Tomorrow. So I'll go 12" - 18"
  25. That is Way too far north. But if it goes where we Think it will, 100 miles SE, lock it.
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