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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. Yes mentoring MY FAVORITE STORM Ever!!!!! The ONLY Time I saw 4” per hour unlike all you lucky weenie people that take it for granted and get it every tom dick and harry Storm. 4” per hour for 2 hours and no wind so you could truly see what it looks like. Just pure Heaven. Got 14”.
  2. ? and there is No E. Google is a wonderful tool.
  3. A 20”+ in 9 Hour or less storm where NW of me gets less than those SE of me is the ONLY thing that will bring me back. I’m the most Anti-Socialism person you’ll find; except....when it comes to Snow. Can’t Stand the rich getting richer. Come on Euro. Bring me back.
  4. As Always, you’re a Legend Tip. We need to make a Book of all your posts!! Like Really. And yes, to me it ain’t over until June 1. Especially after last years May snow in high elevations of MA I drive up to and found.
  5. 4” is being Generous. That’s Generous! There’s not even more than 2” now as it’s already gotten wet and melty. I’ll be driving up to Acton for a coffee this afternoon while listening to Felger and Mazz and making calls. This storm is going to send me to the F****** nut house.
  6. I don’t know what’s worse. Getting Historically F’d, or that Everyone West of me, NW of me, North of me, and NE of me is going to keep getting snow today. If you said SOUTH Western RI is going 11-12, I would think I’m getting 18. Not 4.
  7. You deal with all of that when your ONLY drug in life is Snowstorms. And for the first Time in 13 Years, you’re not in travel, and HAVE to be stuck home for this good awful winter where the rest of you keep getting 15-20 and I have wet glop.
  8. The guy who took the picture in Mendham, NJ with 30”, is a Compact total! Not 6 hours and add. And that was 8 Hours ago at 7:40pm! It’s been snowing since! I can’t believe so many of you got 15” in December AND now. I live for 15” storms. Haven’t had one since March 2019!! And haven’t seen a 20” since the Blizzard of 2015 in January!! Because I Missed the EPIC Bombs of March 2017 and March 2018; on Fact, the only Bombs (A Quick 12”+ storm with high rates) that were 20”+ totals here in my lifetime, were January 2011, and Those 2. I MISSED ALL 3!!!!
  9. It's the GREATEST DISSAPOINTMENT OF MY LIFE!!!! I just came back from 2.5 Hours of Driving and have LESS Snow than when I left and everything is Melting, even though it's still snowing hard!
  10. I can tell you that it is just now raining in Attleboro, but it is still snowing in Cumberland. And in both places it looks like a small insignificant snowstorm came.
  11. I drove to North Smithfield, RI then to Past Gillette on Rte. 1. Everything is Soaked here in Attleboro. I’m trying to figure out: HOW, For a Storm that NEVER changed to even sheet, let alone Rain, Fought the Hellish R/S Line off.... STILL end up being the BIGGEST Underperformed of My Life?? It stated 100% Snow. And it looks like 3” fell in Northern RI. Crap wet globby snow too.
  12. Well, I WILL say this: The Storm broke 2 records for me. And I’ve been driving for 2 hours. WORST ROAD CONDITIONS I’VE EVER SEEN!! 6” on highways, 10” on on/off ramps!! Worse than 12/13/2007 Tied for Hardest Falling Snow I’ve ever seen!! (That yellow band over the Attleboro area an hour ago). Now I have NO idea what I got, I’ll have to go by the NWS guy that lives in my town that keeps stealing my reports for the NWS, and Fozz. But to see people get 4 Hours of 3” per hour, which I’ve only seen 4 times in my life, in a storm I got almost NOTHING in?? Hurts real bad. Real bad.
  13. I’m the guy that gets accused of Over measuring. Never under. It’sa Consistent, Wet 2.5”-3” Compact. Very few spots Randomly have 5”.
  14. Ray got 3” PER HOUR FOR 3 Hours?!?! I didn’t even get that in December 9th, 2005!!!! I HAVE 2.5”-3” STILL!!!!!! THIS IS THE WORST STORM OF MY LIFE!!!!!!
  15. This Afternoon Snow showers. The snow could be heavy at times. High near 32. Breezy, with a northeast wind around 20 mph, with gusts as high as 34 mph. Total daytime snow accumulation of 5 to 9 inches possible. Tonight Snow showers. The snow could be heavy at times. Low around 32. Breezy, with a northeast wind 18 to 22 mph, with gusts as high as 38 mph. New snow accumulation of 5 to 9 inches possible. Apparently I have 10"-18" to go. Which does not even Closely Mirror their Map, which says only expect 4"-6". And Meanwhile Ray has 2" an hour.
  16. THIS IS THE WORST STORM OF ALL-TIME!!!! I am NEVER Starting an Obs Tread Again!! 7 Hours of Heavy Snow - 2.25"!!!! And SOUTHERN Rhode Island, which gets Crap, has 7.5"!!!!
  17. 14” in NW CT!?!? I have not even 1.5”!!!!
  18. What a Crap storm. Snowing Hard for 6 hours. But a measly 1.25”!!
  19. If that inches 1 INCH further NW I’m screwed.
  20. Melting here as Soon as it falls in some areas. Not good at ALL. Way too warm.
  21. Is it me, or does this seem to have a chance to pivot over my area of Northern RI? Going by the radar the past few hours. (The first 2 frames are what’s happened)
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